he means of production is determined by the measure of their liberty, their class right. The contents of this law are claims to a share class of material and spiritual goods, which are produced by society, to participate in the political life of the society in managing state affairs and to freely express their attitude to the social structure and expression in literature and other artistic fields [10, c.112]. , In a society divided into classes, with their conflicting interests, there is no single measure of freedom, the only law. Each class has its own right, which is not only different from the rights of other classes, but also antagonistic towards him. Competing Rights decided that the economically dominant class - the owner of the means of production - takes over state power and holds his right in the form of laws, gives it a universal character and requires compliance with established his laws from all members of society under penalty of State coercion. idea of ​​multi-dimensional, multi-faceted approach to the law is perhaps most accurately reflects the joint efforts of scientists to study it. Whatever the views on the right are not adhered, all against unilateralism. And life is confirmed by showing that the consideration of legal issues, such as the position of a particular sociology of information of a party or a psychological aspect can approach the opening of new features right to enrich under its concept. That means opening new relationships, parties, and rice is the process of deepening the concept of law. one kind of right side - the standard, its genesis or right in the action - gives the concept of law. Each of them - just an abstract of his vision. The concept of law is as the amount of knowledge synthesis of all legal disciplines who study law in all its real manifestations sides, features, relationships, perspectives. br/>
2. DESCRIPTION broad approach to understanding the law
.1 Concept and features a wide comprehension
approach to the law is fairly common in legal science, he developed in science (60-80 years of XX century.) And opposes "vuzkonormatyvnomu" approach to understanding the law. Wide approach is based on the concept of law as a unity of legal ideas, norms and relationships. His supporters included the content of the right ideas, norms, relationships. This position was originally grounded in the works of P. Lv, EB Pashukanysa, and further development was in the works. F. Kechekyana, A. Piontkovsky, AK. Stalhevycha, YM Mykolenko, NV Vitruka VD Zorkin, VP Kazymyrchuka, RV Maltsev, RZ Lifshits, EA Lukasheva, NI Kozyubry, VA Tumanov, VS Nersesyantsa, LS Yavycha et al. Under this approach, in turn, affected several areas: one group of authors was inclined to reduce the right to legal ideas (right - regulatory pronounced justice measure, the scale of freedom and so on.) A...