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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian

>, roughly meaning 'captain of a Danube steamboat company'. And morpheme-internal change are pretty straightforward word formation processes. Neither one is very common in English. English language teachers likely won't have to worry about reduplication. The few cases of morpheme-internal change in English are best learned by heart because the rules for them are not productive any longer. I never learned them by rule as I acquired my English but instead had to memorize them. examples

Suppletion is a bit tricky but is also rare in English. It is the result of a historical process frozen in time. Briefly, historically there were two words with similar meanings in the language, typically used in different dialects. Over time, the two words merged into one paradigm. For example, in an earlier stage of English there were two words for to be, wesan and eom. These two were combined into one, and forms of both formed the paradigm for to be. Understanding this process fully is not important for teaching English, however, because suppletion is uncommon and its forms can be memorized. Examples, reference

3. Compounding in English and Ukrainian language

English is language which has many word formation processes like compounding, blends, affixation etc. In each word we can make change in the part of speech until meaning so we can enrich our new vocabulary, it is very useful to communicate with each other. Word that is employed of speaker must be related to the rules of that language. For example English, the speaker who uses English has to know about the word formation process so that they can make a new word from it. We must also know about the rule of this process to enrich our vocabulary. p align="justify"> The most common type of compounding in English language is the combination of two (or more) nouns in order to form a resulting noun: + Noun = Noun: landmine, wallpaper, toothbrushfirst of the two compounds may be descriptive (ie tablecloth, a cloth with which to clean [or cloth] tables), or both compounds may create a whole new meaning altogether (ie railroad, which is not a В«roadВ» in the typical sense of the word.) It is also possible to form words whose components are equally important to or descriptive of its meaning, for example, a washer-dryer refers to an object combining two functions.are, of course, many more different ways in English language how compound nouns can be related to each other and how their new meanings can best be explained grammatically. In most cases, however, the nature of these compounds is self-explanantory, and their meanings are quite comprehensible even for those who encounter them for the first time.that compound nouns usually appear as two separate words, only those more commonly used, those found in every-day language, and usually compounds with no more than three syllables are fo...

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