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Реферат Methods of teaching English language



. Comparative Teaching Methodologies

1.1Grammar Translation Method

1.2Direct Method

.3Audio-Lingual Method

.4Silent Way

.5Total Physical Response (TPR) Community Language Learning (CLL)

.6Suggestopedia (Suggestology)

.7Communicative Approach

.8Natural Approach

.9Emotional-semantic method

. Theoretical aspect of effective methods of teaching

.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language

.2 Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language

.2.1 Constructivist teaching strategies

.2.2 Communicative Teaching Method

.2.3 Using project method in teaching a foreign language

.2.4 The method of debates

.2.5 Games

.2.6 Role plays as a method of teaching

.3 Methodological principles of modern methods of teaching

.4 Practical aspect of ways of teaching

. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching English

.1 Features of techniques

.1.1 Communicative method

.1.2 Project methodology

.1.3 Intensive method

.1.4 Activity Based method

.2 Similarities of methods

.3 Positive and negative aspects of techniques


teaching came into its own as a profession in the last century. Central to this process was the emergence of the concept of methods of language teaching. The method concept in language teaching-the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning-is a powerful one, and the quest for better methods preoccupied teachers and applied linguists throughout the 20th century. Howatt (1984) documents the history of changes in language teaching throughout history, up through the Direct Method in the 20th century. One of the most lasting legacies of the Direct Method has been the notion of method itself. in language teaching has been characterized in a variety of ways. A more or less classical formulation suggests that methodology links theory and practice. Within methodology a distinction is often made between methods and approaches, in which methods are held to be fixed teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices, and approaches are language teaching philosophies that can be interpreted and applied in a variety of different ways in the classroom. This distinction is probably best seen as a continuum ranging from highly prescribed methods to loosely described approaches. years the imperative need of using a foreign language appears in all areas of a science, manufacture and culture.present practice of teaching foreign languages ??there are some typical problems forcing the teacher to address to experience of the colleagues, to innovative ideas, to a science.these problems, difficulties and lacks of a traditional technique of teaching there are the following basic problems:

· Low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teaching.

· Low intensity of pupils speech activity.

· Superficiality in forming of base skills and haste of transition from reproductive to productive kinds of work.

· Absence of good practical recommendations on elimination and the prevention of gaps in pupils knowledge and skills.

· Weakness of existing system of appreciation of pupils work.

· Spontaneity of a choice and application of evident support, their low didactic efficiency.of methods of teaching have shown, that all named problems will effectively solved, if we apply elaborations of various innovators for amplification of a traditional technique of teaching that can increase essentially quality of teaching foreign (in particular English) language. of the existing approach to teaching foreign language in the high school, which is focused only on communicative purposes to the detriment of such kinds of language activity as reading and the writing, that has led to the low level of knowing a foreign language of graduates of secondary school.and openness of the problem of effective teaching foreign languages ??have caused its topicality, and consequently the choice of a theme for the given research work.also has determined the aim of work: to distinguish the most rational techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school.subject of this course paper is variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign language.object of research is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process.this work it is necessary to solve the following primary objectives:

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