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Реферат The constitution the Kazakhstan and Czech Republic


society has certain standards which ensure that its members 'actions do not harm the same society. There are two types of standards, Verbal Standards, which are not written down but are taken for granted and handed down from generation to generation. These can be applied differently depending on the case. There are also Written Standards, which are written down. These are hard to change, but much easier to apply than the Verbal Standards. p align="justify"> In a Democratic State, the main set of rules is called the Constitution. These rules are generally obeyed by everyone.Constitution is divided into two main sections, The Human Rights and The Institutions of the State.the Human Rights section, the Constitution defines what rights each member of the state is entitled to. For example, it may define that everyone has the right to vote in an election, or that everyone is entitled to a pension when he reaches a certain age. p align="justify"> The Institutions of the State is divided into three sections: the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. p align="justify"> The Legislative is made up of a group of people who have the power to make new laws or alter existing ones, including the Constitution itself. (The Constitution is harder to alter than the other laws because it can't be altered by a simple majority of the members agreeing with the alterations). These people are the Members of the Parliament, who are elected by the citizens of the state and meet to discuss matters concerning the state. p align="justify"> The Executive has the responsibility to apply the rules which the Legislative defines. The Executive is controlled by the members of the Government, also elected by the citizens of the state. The government is controlled by the Prime Minister. p align="justify"> The Judiciary executes justice in the state, and makes sure that all the laws are obeyed by the citizens. p align="justify"> In a true democratic state, these three Institutions of the State do not overpower each other, but work in such a way that each one of them is independent and can check over each other to make sure that there is no abuse of power. p align="justify"> The Constitution is very important because it defines the main outlines of how the state is ruled, the fundamental rights of the citizens, and also defines that the state is a Democracy for example. This makes it the most important of all the laws in a stateas a very rapidly developing country in central Asia is important for many researcher in all over the world. In our country, most of eastern countries laws are not be sought with scientific aims, in contrast the western countries have at least one institute for observing the developments in law as in other scopes of these countries.we know, in generally, constitutions can be described as documents showing fundamental rights and freedoms of peoples and main structures of states. Obviously, most of the constitutions are results of long-term struggles of peoples and have historical background. Only some of them are given as a right or gift to people by administrators and emperors. Countries were under the rule of USSR for nearly seventy years until 1990. After Gorbachev s В«GlasnostВ» (openness) and В«PerestroicaВ» (reconstruction) policies, for a while every Soviet Socialist Republic had their own constitutions.Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted at the republican referendum on August 30, 1995 and Constitution of the Czech Republic adopted on January 1, 1993.Constitutions of both the Kazakhstan and Czech Republic have similarities and differences between them. The Czech Republic constitution came earlier in history than the Kazakhstan one did. Some of the same ideas that were in the Czech Republic constitution were carried over to some of the ideas that we use in our government today. In this paper I will compare and contrast these ideas as they relate with one another.of all I want to compare preambles.

Kazakhstan Czech Republic

We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historic fate, creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land, considering ourselves a peace-loving and civil society, dedicated to the ideals of freedom, equality and concord, wishing to take a worthy place in the world community, realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations, proceeding from our sovereign right, accept this Constitution., the citizens of the Czech Republic in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, at this time of the reconstitution of an independent Czech State, true to all the sound traditions of the ancient statehood of the Lands of the Crown of Bohemia as well as of Czechoslovak statehood, resolved to build, protect and advance the Czech Republic in the spiri...

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