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Реферат Ballad: origin and development

: origin and development



1.Genre sources

2.Tradition of the ballad in the history of Europe

.Influence of the Spanish romance on development of a genre of the ballad

.The ballad in Renaissance and during Modern times

.Development of a genre of the literary ballad

.The ballad in the history of the Russian poetry

.Ballad role in art development


ballad romance literary poetry


The term paper is devoted to research of tradition of ancient folk Anglo-Scottish songs in works of English poets of an era of Romanticism. As language material for research ballads of poets (Wordsworth, Coleridge, Sauti) and V. Scott, and also ancient ballads of England and Scotland served.songs were created by anonymous storytellers, transferred orally and in the course of oral transfer strongly changed, became , thus, a fruit not of individual, but collective creativity. Christian legends, tales of chivalry, antique myths or works of the Greek and Roman authors in medieval retelling, so-called eternal or vagrant plots, and also the original historical events stylized on the basis of ready song schemes were sources of plots of ballads. The first editions of folk songs appeared in the XVIII century and were connected with revival of interest of writers, scientists-philologists and poets in the national past and national sources of literary creativity. It were: the collection of the Scottish songs and ballads Conversations behind a Cup of Tea (Tea-Table Miscellany, 1724-1732) Allan Ramzey (Allan Ramsay, 1686-1758), Monuments to ancient English poetry (Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 1765) Tomasa Percy (Thomas Percy, 1729-1811), the two-volume collection of ballads and songs about Robin Goode (одна тисяча сімсот дев'яносто п'ять) Joseph Ritson (Joseph Ritson, 1752-1803), well-known laquo ; Songs of border (Minstrely of the Scottish Border, 1802-1803) Walter Scott and many others.thanks to creativity of romantics the ballad turns from not initial, nonliterary genre into the high genre which gained recognition in fiction. Having changed in works of outstanding poets of the end of XVIII - the beginnings of the XIX centuries, plots of a folk song and its versions became the general property of English poetry.now the term ballad possesses an extreme vagueness and uncertainty as throughout several centuries various literary and folklore genres were designated by the word ballad raquo ;: ancient folk song, French, street, sentimental, Gothic, romantic. Therefore some centuries if any work was called the ballad later, it meant that it the size or stylistic receptions, figurative system or subject, the social function or the general tonality causes in the author or public of association with any of those types of ballads about which there was a speech above. The poem could resemble in general a little the ballad, but existence of one-two signs any of its various types granted to the author the right to call the poem the ballad.work the complex analysis and comparison of English folk songs and ballads of romantics was carried out.OBJECTIVE - to reveal and compare the main features of an art form of the Anglo-Scottish folk and literary songs of the beginning of the XIX century in creativity of English romantics. Thus to consider characteristic features of their metrics, language, style, figurative system. Due to the goal it was necessary to solve and some problems:

. to address to history of emergence and evolution the ballad of genres

. to consider basis cycles of the Anglo-Scottish ballads, and also their art features

. to reveal what development the ballad genre in works of poets and V. Scott gains; and also to define art features of the literary ballad of the beginning of the XIX century.AND STRUCTURE of WORK. The term paper volume ... pages of the typewritten text consists of introduction, two main heads and the conclusion. The bibliography from 81 names is attached to work (including 13 books of foreign authors) .of WORK. In introduction the object of research is defined, its purpose and tasks are set. In chapter ancient folk songs of England and Scotland are considered, their main groups are allocated and means of art expressiveness, characteristic for this genre are investigated. Chapter 2 is devoted to the analysis of the literary ballad of an era of Romanticism. Thus the tradition of a folk song at formation and development of the ballad is traced romantic. In the conclusion the conclusions received as a result of research are given.

1. G...

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