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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Semisynthetic and synthetic antibiotics

Реферат Semisynthetic and synthetic antibiotics


words: Antibiotics, medicine, E.coli, ? -lactam antibiotics, penicillin, cephalosporin, macrolides, fluoroquinolone, sulfonamide, tetracycline, aminoglycoside, antibiotic resistance, Streptomyces violatus.

In biotechnology, biologically active substances describes the beneficial or adverse effects of a drug lt; # justify gt; Accordingly intention of course work offer to improvement of antibiotic production using Streptomyces vielatus by optimization of the cultural conditions.

Allow course work consist of four major part. First part (Analytical review) has material which described biotechnological production of antibiotics. Second part (Experimental part) discarded procedure of experiment with concrete description. Third part-is a part protection of workers and life safety. Fours part is about environmental conservation. In conclusion I have a concrete research and development work of biotechnological production of anntibiotics and improvement of antibiotic production using Streptomyces vielatus by optimization of the cultural conditions.


Normative referencesand notation


. Analytical review

1.1Antibiotics as representatives of BAS from microorganisms

1.1.1 Use of antibiotics in human, veterinary and plant medicine

1.1.2 Peptide and peptide-derived antibiotics

1.1.3 Genetic manipulation of antibiotic producers

1.1.4 Search for new antibiotics

1.1.5 Semisynthetic and synthetic antibiotics

1.2 Resistance to antibiotics

1.2.1 Regulation of antibiotic production

1.2.2 Influence of low molecular compounds

1.2.3 Reception of signals from environment

1.3 Technology of antibiotic production

1.3.1 Conservation of microorganisms

1.3.2 Isolation, separation and purification of antibiotics

. Experemental part

2.1 Abstract to Streptomyces violatus

.1.1 Producer of experiment

.2 Results and discusion

.2.1 Influence of some cultivation factors on the production of antibiotic

.2.2 Influence of nitrogen source

2.2.3 Influence of potassium phosphate and magnesium sulphate salts

.2.4 Influence of trace elements

3. Protection of workers and life safety

. Ecological conservation


Normative references

This course work refers to the following documents:

СТ РК 1.5 - 2004 General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and maintenance of standards СТ РК 1.14 - 2004 ГСС РК Standard of organization. Forms and procedure of developmentСТ РК 1.12 - 2000 Regulatory text documentsГОСО РК 3.08.327 - 2006State educational standards of RK. Higher education, professional. The main provisions.ГОСТ 2.105 - 95 ЕСКДGeneral requirements for textual documents.ГОСТ 2.106 - 96 ЕСКДTextual documents.ГОСТ 2.109 - 73 ЕСКДMain requirements to scheme.ГОСТ 21.1101 - 97 СПДСMain requirements to project and detailed documentation. СТ ЮКГУ 4.02-2010General requirements to scheme, statement and appearance of documentation of SMK.СМК ЮКГУ ПР 7.03-2012Management of learning and teaching processes.СМК ЮКГУ ПР 4.01 - 2012Management of documentationСМК ЮКГУ ПР 7.04 - 2012Academic studies. General requirements to the organization, contents and carrying out lessons.


Antibiotics - are defined as microbial products that inhibit growth of other microorganisms.

Secondary metabolites - are meant products of microorganisms (also plants) which are not essential for basic metabolic processes such as reproduction and growth.

Cephalosporins - a basic structure similar to that of penicillins and the derivatives are also formed by a variation of the side chain.

Tetracycline - is a broad-spectrum polyketide lt; # justify gt; Actinobacteria - a group of Gram-positive bacteria with high G + C ratio. These organisms may be terrestrial or aquatic.

Antibiotic resistance - occurs when an antibiotic has lost its ability to effectively control or kill bacterial growth; in other words, the bacteria are resistant and continue to multiply in the presence of therapeutic levels of an antibiotic.

? -Lactam Antibiotics - a broad class of antibiotics that include penicillin derivatives (penams), cephalosporins (cephems), monobactams, and carbapenems, that is, any antibiotic agent that contains a ? -lactam nucleus in its molecu...

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