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Реферат Semisynthetic and synthetic antibiotics

lar structure.- A genus of common Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Negative Bacteria - refers to the inability of a microorganism to accept a certain stain. This inability is related to the cell wall composition of the micro-organism and has been useful in classifying bacteria.

Diminution and notation

cycliv AMP receptor proteinactinorhodincalcium-dependent antibioticsundecylprodigiosionantimicrobal peptides biotechnology

NADP- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate lt;http://google/url?sa=tamp;rct=jamp;q=amp;esrc=samp;source=webamp;cd=2amp;cad=rjaamp;uact=8amp;ved=0CCQQFjABamp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia%2Fwiki%2FNicotinamide_adenine_dinucleotide_phosphateamp;ei=qY1LVKR84dzLA8ypgdgHamp;usg=AFQjCNHjek8LrJvoc7RGm01X8MH-pB80kQgt;rhodopseudomonas copsulata deoxyribonucleic acid riboxyribonucleic acid


Timeliness.The mass production of antibiotics began during World War II with streptomycin and penicillin. Now most antibiotics are produced by staged fermentations in which strains of microorganisms producing high yields are grown under optimum conditions in nutrient media in fermentation tanks holding several thousand gallons. The mold is strained out of the fermentation broth, and then the antibiotic is removed from the broth by filtration, precipitation, and other separation methods. In some cases new antibiotics are laboratory synthesized, while many antibiotics are produced by chemically modifying natural substances; many such derivatives are more effective than the natural substances against infecting organisms or are better absorbed by the body, eg, some semisynthetic penicillins are effective against bacteria resistant to the parent substance.

Despite the wide variety of known antibiotics, less than 1% of antimicrobial agents have medical or commercial value lt; # justify gt; The purpose of my research is improvement of antibiotic production using Streptomyces vielatus by optimization of the cultural conditions.

Basic part

1. Analytical review

. 1 Antibiotics as representatives of biologically active substances from microorganisms

Antibiotics are defined as microbial products that inhibit growth of other microorganisms. After the antibiotic effect of penicillin had been observed by Fleming, a number of other antibiotics were discovered. The main producers are soil microorganisms as actinomycetes moulds anf fungi. New antibiotics being searched for the microorganisms were found to produce a broad spectrum of compounds having various effects on living organisms. Some of them have occupied a weighty position as medicines and agricultural drugs and for animal health. One microorganism can produce several compounds with different biological activity (staurosporine) and, on the contrary, one compound can be produced by several microorganisms. Besides to traditional antibiotics, compounds with different biological activities are synthesized by various microorganisms: coccidiostatics used in poultry farming, antiparasitic compounds with a broad spectrum of the activity against nematodes and arthropods, substances with the antitumor activity, immunosuppressors, thrombolytics (staphylokinase), herbicides , pesticides, compounds affecting blood pressure, etc [2].

For medicine are important enzyme inhibitors synthesized by microorganisms. They are used as inhibitors of enzymes produced by resistant strains that decompose the antibiotic during application of antibiotics. These enzyme inhibitors can be also used for inhibition of undesirable enzyme activities in human metabolism that cause some illnesses. Many enzyme inhibitors are protease inhibitors, variously active against pepsin, papain, trypsin, chymotrypsin, catepsin, elastase, renin, etc. Inhibitors of glucosidases, cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, different carbohydrases, esterases, kinases, phosphatases, etc. have been isolated from microorganisms. The enzyme inhibitors that participate in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and fat are also used in medicine.

Several thousands of compounds having different biological activities have so far been listed and new compounds are still isolated from microorganisms. There is a widespread acceptance that microorganisms are an unlimited source of new substances with many potential therapeutic applications. A great number of those compounds, however, are toxic and thus can not be used for human and veterinary therapy.

Role of antibiotics in producing microorganisms. Antibiotics are the typical secondary metabolites produced by microorganisms. Secondary ...

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