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Реферат Basic grammatical and lexical-semantic differences between American and British English

English language in America has 3.5 century. In connection with this there are two main periods of development of the English language in America:

· the early period from the beginning of the XVII century to the end of the XVIII century, which is characterized by the formation of the American dialects;

· the late period (XIX-XX) is characterized by the creation of the American Standard English.the early seventeenth of century the colonists from England began to bring their own language to America. The first English settlement in the North America was founded in 1 607 - it was town Jamestown in what is now Virginia. In November +1620 was founded the city of Plymouth by the puritans who arrived on the ship Mayflower .residents of these two settlements had the different linguistic traditions. The carriers of different dialects settled to the west and to the south. And although the picture of spreading of the dialects has never been clear due to the constant migration from the north to the south and vice versa, and due to the influx of immigrants from various countries of the world, the differences persist at the level of dialects in the United States today.the XVII - XVIII centuries the flows of immigrants were growing, bringing with them a great variety of languages ??and dialects. For example, Pennsylvania was populated mainly by Quakers who were natives, as a rule, of the middle and northern parts of England.argued that if colonization occurred two or three centuries earlier, American English would be as much different from the British, as the modern French differs from the Italian. So, instead of different variants of the same language would appear different languages., The colonization occurred after the invention of printing, and continued in the period of Enlightenment with its ideas of the universal education. Over a long time, most of the books which were read in America, were English., Many of the colonists continued to maintain links with England and due to this, they differed from their Anglo-Saxon ancestors who, as known, have broken all ties with the continent after the relocation to the British Isles., uneven expansion of the lexical fund led to the asynchronous development of English in Britain. English developed and improved the standards of the language at all levels in England, and the emergence of the British variant of the word connect due to the development of the new American meaning. Therefore, the British variant appeared as the opposition to the American variant.example, store - in the original meaning - storage, warehouse, in America has the meaning shop because in that time store served and for storing and for sale, i.e. there were and warehouse and store in the same room [10]., the Americanisms were as a deviation from the language in this period. The American version of English has not established itself as a literary yet, because America did not have their own national culture.only in the conditions of a single state has become possible to create the American version of English literary norm in the late period. In the same period, there was a trend to the convergence of both variants by the penetration of into the English language (connected with nature, American realities, political systems, etc.), maintaining of the literary norm of American version of English is becoming a problem due to the large number of the ethnic groups and different languages ??in America now.New York has more than 150 nationalities and 80 languages. Thus, now continuing the replenishment of American English with various lexis, dialects. And it does not contribute to the maintenance of Standard English, which can be traced, perhaps, only through the media and literature.

1.2 Causes and sources of American English

emergence of American English is the result of a long process which was run in parallel and independently from the development of the people who settled in the new place to lead a new lifestyle.did not enter a new designation for the known concepts, but very often they used the old word with a new meaning or they borrowed the new words from their native languages, and so today the same word in the UK and the US may have different connotations and meanings, even if they denote the same phenomenons [14] .main part of the linguistic material (lexical and grammatical) which is used in the UK and the US, has a lot of in common, and this fact does not let treat them as the different languages. The main part of the vocabulary of these languages ??is the same. In fact, the period of their separate existence is not so long, to form two completely independent languages.the other hand, this period is characterized by the coexistence of two independent nations and two independent states, for which are characterized specific geographical location, different politic...

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