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Реферат Metonymy as the basis of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology

Metonymy as the basis of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology


Great interest in linguistic science is continued to metonymy as one of the basic cognitive processes that require explanation.

Many different classifications have been proposed starting with Aristotle, other Greek, Roman and medieval scholars, modern critics and linguists, more recently by the Groupe de Liege. P. Koch, A. Blank and B. Nerlich; Todd and Clarke link their cognitive approach to metonymy to the rhetorical tradition. The cleavage between literal and figurative language has recently been challenged by RW Gibbs (1994). [11].

Y. Lotman defines metonymy act as much-specific selection and elimination of non-essential. According to Umberto Eco, the metaphorical replacement (substitution) is based on metonymic practice (Eco 1984). Zh. Lacan pointed out that metonymy based on the connection of words (word-to-word connection), while the metaphor is the replacement of one word by another (Lacan 1977). R. Jakobson determined that for typical metonymy adjacencies (and, accordingly, syntagmatic relations) (Theory 1990). This issue, according to I. Tolochin (Tolochin 1996), and more relevant for the study of fiction, where the difference between the categorization of contiguity and similarly are significant.a broad sense, the concept category (Greek nominatio - name, house name ) can be seen as a symbol of all reflected and known human consciousness, all real and conceivable: objects, people, actions, attributes, relationships and events (Telia 1990). Nomination is the formation of linguistic units, characterized by the nominative function, ie employees to name and reality, and the reality of the isolation of the formation of the concepts of them in the form of words, phrases, sentences and phraseology. Metonymy is a cognitive phenomenon that may be even more fundamental than metaphor.he study of linguistic phenomena is impossible without access to cognitive mechanisms that form the basis of human activity as the creator of the language, and therefore of common interest to the methods of cognitive linguistics verbalization.

The main idea is among the most wide-spread processes are extension and restriction/specification of codified phraseological meaning as a result of metonymic transfer. These processes serve as a major source of polysemy in the sphere of phraseology.

The topicality of thе paper is also related to insufficient knowledge of the object of the study. To date, the Modern English vocabulary and the role of metonymy in its conceptualization have not been analyzed from the standpoint of cognitive science. Actuality of a comprehensive study is the metonymy functions in the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary Еnglish phraseology.

The aim of this study is to analyze metonymy as a mean of in the secondary nomination.accordance with the aim we put forward the following objectives :

- to consider the metonymy concept;

- - to appropriate research methods to analyze the role of metonymy as a mean of in the secondary nomination;

- - to identify the principles that affect metonymy rethinking;

- - to determine the specificity of metonymy;

- - to analyze the cognitive and pragmatic features of the metonymy functioning.

The object of the research is the phenomenon of metonymy in the system of the contemporary Еnglish phraseology.

The subject of the investigation is metonymy as a mean of in the secondary nomination.

The material of investigation is the metonymy in the women s novels at the end of XX - the beginning of the XXI century.

The purpose and objectives determined the choice of research methods . The paper uses the phraseology identification, definitional analysis as a kind of method of component analysis, some aspects of phraseological application, contextual analysis.research paper consists of introduction, two chapters with paragraphs, conclusions, references, list of sources, abstract.and practical value of the research deals with new data material in contemporary (the last two decades) English fiction. It can be used in learning English phraseology and teaching English

1. Metonymy as an important styli...

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