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Реферат The grammar of contemporary English


is an important problem in English language. How many parts of speech are there in English language? Are 8 parts of speech: verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection. But some grammar sources categorize English in to 9 or 10 parts of speech.some scholars question the validity of considering pronouns and numerals separate parts of speech in most languages, since words of these classes ordinarily vary in their syntactic functions and from this point of view belong to different word classes.this reason they are often considered sub classed of others parts of speech. Such a remark is often heard on this question. The topic of our research paper is parts of speech classification problem in Modern English. The relevance of the topic is comprehensive theoretical review of parts of speech, their means of expression, ordering of parts of speech.subject of the investigation is parts of speech classification problem in Modern English. An object of the investigation is students of IBA.and practical value of the term paper is comprehensive theoretical treatment of the parts of speech, how they are expressed in different kinds of texts, ordering of parts of speech, and the status of parts of speech . purpose of the study is to identify the most common essential categories of parts of speech in English grammar. In accordance with the purpose of the study we had the following objectives in this research paper. There are:

В· to study the history of parts of speech

В· to select the criteria on which parts of speech are assigned

В· to review the work of scientists in the field of grammar

В· to know the problems of the parts of speechproblem of parts of speech is one that causes great controversies between different scholars. A problem arose, however, because scholars could not agree on exactly what the parts of speech are. During this research paper we will try to figure out what are parts of speech, how to classify them, and what problems arise in this.

1. Parts of speech in English language

grammar, a part of speech (also a word class, a lexical class, or a lexical category) is a linguistic category of words (or more precisely lexical items), which is generally defined by the syntactic or morphological behavior of the lexical item in question. Common linguistic categories include noun and verb, among others. There are open word classes, which constantly acquire new members, and closed word classes, which acquire new members infrequently if at all.all languages ​​have the lexical categories noun and verb, but beyond these there are significant variations in different langua...

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