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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Social aspects of Stephen King's novel &Shawshank Redemption&

Реферат Social aspects of Stephen King's novel &Shawshank Redemption&


literature shawshank redemption book

The work of Stephen King reminds the mosaic: formed occasionally from absolutely incompatible parts that present the entire picture. The critics and readers consider him as «The King of thrill», the best psychologist and the writer that was able to reach the most unnoticeable corners of the soul of human beings in search of fear. Most of his works differ from the way of life of Americans.creates the atmosphere of every day life in order to attract the interest of a reader. He tries to be close to the reader for two purposes: firstly, the writer makes the reader read his creation, or his works really surprise. Secondly, the author creates the many sided image of modern society with all lack and contradictions.most works of Stephen King refer to the genres of horror and mystic, or include these two genres, the critics, as a rule, touch upon only this very part of the writer that touches upon the theme of interrelation between man and society. Exactly this problem is revealed fully and obviously in the psychological novel «The Shawshank redemption». This novel is widely known to the public thanks to its film that had already managed to get the prestigious awards.the first lines it becomes obvious that the novel is far from typical work for King.narrative is lead neither by the author, nor by the main character. This way is chosen not randomly, it serves mostly for the vivid imagination. The narrator is close friend of the main character, Afro - American, Red (red haired), or the human that can get and reach everything.must be paid attention that all figures appear in the novel under their nick names, not with their real names. The author get the novel narrated by Red, and renders his ideas through him. Red plays the important role in the novel. Shaw shank redemption is not a typical novel. Here the literary time completely complies with time physically that passes inside of the prison for imprisons.

The aim of this course paper is to study social aspects of the novel «Shawshank redemption» by Stephen King.

The purpose of this course paper is to introduce and discuss the novel «Shaw shank redemption» by Stephen King. Basically, it will look at the power of human that is rendered in the novel.

The tasks of this course paper are:

- to have a brief historical overview in Stephen King s impact and role in American literature

- to study Stephen King s life and main works

to have a short literal overview in the novel of Stephen King s «Shawshank redemption»

to study the social aspects of the novel «Shawshank redemption»

to analyze the novel «Shawshank redemption» course paper consists of: contents, introduction part, two chapters, four subchapters, conclusion and references.

1. American literature after the World War II

The period in time from the end of World War II up until, roughly, the late 1960s and early 1970s saw the publication of some of the most popular works in American history such as To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The last few of the more realistic modernists along with the wildly Romantic Beatniks largely dominated the period, while the direct respondents to America s involvement in World War II contributed in their notable influence.JD Salinger s Nine Stories and The Catcher in the Rye to Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar, the perceived madness of the state of affairs in America was brought to the forefront of the nation s literary expression. Immigrant authors such as Vladimir Nabokov, with Lolita, forged on with the theme, and at almost the same time, the Beatniks took a concerted step away from their Lost Generation predecessors, developing a style and tone of their own by drawing on Eastern theology and experimenting with recreational drugs.poetry and fiction of the« Beat Generation » , largely born of a circle of intellects formed in New York City around Columbia University and established more officially some time later in San Francisco, came of age. The term Beat referred, all at the same time, to the countercultural rhythm of the Jazz scene, to a sense of rebellion regarding the conservative stress of post war society, and to an interest in new forms of spiritual experience through drugs, alcohol, philosophy and religion and specifically through Zen Buddhism.Ginsberg set the tone of the movement in his poem Howl , a Wh...

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