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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Formation of the marketing mix company

Реферат Formation of the marketing mix company


Introduction1.Market Analysis2.Research tastes and preferences of consumers. Segmenting the market3.Development of product concept and determine its characteristic4.Determining the optimal prices of goods on the basis of test marketing

. 1 Determining the relationship between price and demand

. 2 Calculating the optimal price at which the firm will maximize profits5.Formation of optimal goods distributionchannels6.Campaign Planning product promotionsof references A

marketing consumer segmenting price


In the conditions of forming of market economy the most important factor of the successful functioning of domestic enterprise is his reorientation on the principles of marketing. Introduction of marketing complex in practice gives an opportunity to form new productive programs, operatively to react on the change of market situation and win in the conditions of competitionis the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service. There are five competing concepts under which organizations can choose to operate their business: the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the marketing concept, and the holistic marketing concept.The four components of holistic marketing are relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated marketing, and socially responsive marketing. of the fundamental categories of modern marketing is the concept of marketing mix, which is a set of marketing tools, the sum of which influenced to the target market, with a view to achieve the desired response from its side. The companies should pay much more attention to such areas as sale and productsmarketing, profits increase and improvement of financial situation, product management, in order to reduce prices.object of study in the course paper is an company Medochok which is engaged in producing and selling organic product- honey. This company offers a different types of organic honey, produced only in organic way, without using any chemicals. Company Medochok has high reputation and is also known as the company, which cherish traditions of creating the product.

Chapter 1. Market Analysis

The company that produces honey Medochok started its activity in 2008, and today operates successfully in the market of organic products. The range includes various types of honey, which feature origin, without additives and dyes. Of output is planned to sell the entire territory of Ukraine. Also in the future our company is preparing to spread honey through Europe.determine the needs of the customers we use the classification matrix of individual needs. We need to classify the needing of honey for people:

. The hierarchy of needs - primary (physiological) - refers to the need for food needs, is the physiological needs.

. According to the factors influencing the need, the need for honey related to age, as it is this requirement to children and adults.

. Over time parameter refers to the need for ongoing or current, so that the need for honey or to improve brain function in a certain period of time there is a certain period of time and has no prospects after the fun.

. By the principle of meeting the needs satisfied by a product, that is to meet the needs for pleasure or stimulation of the brain only one product.

. As the degree of satisfaction of fundamental needs in pleasure or stimulation of the brain relates to the needs fully satisfied because the need is fully satisfied with the consumption of one element without complementary.

. For the elasticity of demand for pleasure or stimulation of the brain relates to elastic, so that when you change the price of a product that meets our needs change in demand.

. According to public opinion need to honey- is a need, which can be also referred as need to stimulate the brain, and is related to positive social purposes, since the satisfaction of our needs raised blood glucose levels, resulting in uplift your mood and improve mental activity.

. The depth of penetration into the public consciousness the need to satisfy part refers to B needs, because it is our need does not fully satisfy the need for food and not being able to satisfy it.

. The degree of current necessary demand for honey is a normal request, because satisfaction of needs is normal, common social phenomenon.

. With the cause of the need to satisfy the need is impulsive, as occurs spontaneously as a res...

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