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Реферат Formation of group behaviour in the organisations

dly, that they felt the participation with each other. These are two or more persons who co-operate with each other, influence against each other and perceive itself as we, ie as community to which they belong. Such understanding of group in many respects explains the second part of a question. We will consider basic elements of structure of concept of group: interaction and an accessory. Interaction assumes action of individuals on the basis of overall aims and interests. If they are not present, there is no also a group. A following condition of interaction is the similar relation of members of group to these purposes and interests. Individual Х will co-operate with the individual at if at that and at another installations in value coincide. Further. That the person had a desire to establish connection with other people, it should have in the long term possibility to receive as a result of interaction certain moral or material compensation. The deep sense is put and in the second element of structure of concept of group. The feeling of an accessory is necessary for the person to realise its natural aspiration to be with other people, to compare itself to them and to receive their estimation itself, respect and a recognition. The accessory to group means also potential possibility for the individual to have reliable protection. Members of one group will intercede the friend for the friend and at a meeting with hooligans in the street, and at conversation with the heads more likely, defending group interests. At last, the accessory to group, for example, to any club or a trade union provides to the person certain position in a society, gives it the power and possibilities for achievement of specific goals. Thus, people unite in groups to satisfy the requirements in Dialogue. Power strengthening Reception of the certain public status achievement of social, economic and other purposes.

Chapter 2. Types of groups

There are different criteria on which classify groups. For example, depending on character of joint activity they can be industrial, educational, family, etc.; depending on duration and existence constant or time etc. However the majority of scientists in a basis of typology of groups take the most general criterion a principle of their creation. One groups are created directive at will of a management of the organisation for performance of its purposes, others voluntary workers for satisfaction of the various requirements. The first name formal, the second the informal. Formal groups happen two types: administrative and operative. The groups provided by organizational structure concern the administrative: departments, sites etc. the operative include workers and employees who together carry out any task or the project. The command concerns such type, for example. Informal groups also share on two kinds: Groups on interests and groups on the basis of friendship. As an example of the f...

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