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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The concept of wide comprehension

Реферат The concept of wide comprehension




.1 Comprehension as one of the main categories of the theory of law

.2 Basic Concepts Comprehension


.1 Concept and features a wide comprehension

.2 Value of wide comprehension of other legal



understanding of the law, without exaggeration can be attributed to the "eternal". Since the emergence of professional legal practice until today did exist, apparently, no lawyer who has not pondered the question, what is right, and not try to answer it. of the topic due to the fact that legal science today is not produced a single position on the understanding of the concept of law. Undoubtedly, the right is one of the objects of knowledge and nayvazhkodostupnishyh mostly defined as a product and a tool of the state, a vehicle for political purposes rather than as a complex world, multifaceted reality with its own laws, its arrangement and the logic of development that distinguishes it from other areas of human being. numerous publications on the problems of comprehension are updated on methodological issues and general principles of the analysis of these problems. Positivist methodological doctrine comprehension, which had long been recognized widely, gave way to other teachings, including essentially been singled multidimensional, broad comprehension as a priority Modern Social Sciences. writing a term paper were used work of scholars such as N. Varlamov, M. Kelman, M. Kravchuk, A. Kolody, B. Kopyeychykov, P. Rabinovich, A. Skakun, A. Surilov et al. variety of approaches to understanding the complexity of the law is determined by law, ontological, political, ideological and religious reasons. aim of the course work is integrated general theoretical study of the concept of law, its nature, content and form of existence in the context of the value of basic types of law and distinguishing features broad approach to understanding the law. To achieve a certain goal outlined in the following tasks:

Analyze comprehension as one of the main categories of theory of law;

To highlight the essence of the basic concepts of comprehension;

To characterize and define the features of a broad approach to the understanding of the law;

Analyze the importance of wide comprehension problems and its application in the practice of law. object of study is the comprehension as scientific, intellectual and creative process. subject of research is basic types of comprehension, their theoretical and methodological and theoretical and practical significance at the present stage of development of legal scie...

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