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Реферат Managing a "virtual team" on a project

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic KazakhstanInformation Technology University

Managing a "virtual team" on a project

by: Rysbekov Nurym


of business drives organizations to increased usage of virtual teams. The virtual team represents a fundamental component of these new organizational infrastructures. These teams are also known as dispersed teams. Main reasons for using virtual teams are taking on projects that are not in local geographical areas, skills required for the project are not available locally, companies need to cut costs, etc. Usage of virtual teams influenced project management paradigm that has begun to change due to the increasing number of distributed projects involving team members from different locations, organizations, and cultures.a global marketplace, companies need more and more international presence; therefore the need for establishing virtual teams exists with much significance. The software development work is now performed by geographically distributed organizations, teams, or individuals. In the Software Industry, projects and products are increasingly crossing the boundaries set by a single company, or country. This evolutionary process allows individuals or even teams from different locations and cultures to work together. Usually they have different expectations and goals but are working to achieve the success of project.purpose of this research paper is to investigate and identify the areas that are critical for the success of software projects when they are developed using virtual teams. Some of these areas are communication, team management, planning and quality of software project and product.


Main part

can be defined as a relatively small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. A virtual team is a group of people that uses electronics means to communicate with each other more often than in face-to-face meetings. Virtual team can work across space, time and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technologies. In other words, virtual team members use the internet, intranets, and other networks to communicate, coordinate and collaborate with each other on tasks and projects even though they may work in different geographical locations and for different organizations. Throughout literature virtual teams are also referred to as distributed teams. Virtual teams primarily rely on information and communication technologies t...

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