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Реферат The differences between management and leadership

differences between management and leadership



1. Leadership and historical approach

1.1 Leadership and emotions

1.2 Developing Leadership skills

2. Management and leadership

2.1 Differences between management and leadership

2.2 Common points


List of used literature


Management in all business areas and human organization activity is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning <# "justify"> manager leadership difference leader

1. Leadership and historical approach

Sanskrit <# "center"> 1.1 Leadership and emotions

Leadership can be perceived as a particularly emotion-laden process, with emotions entwined with the social influence process <# "center"> 1.2 Developing Leadership skills

It is never too early to start developing leadership skills. As someone new in the workplace, you may aspire to become the leader of your organization some day. Some people believe leaders are born and not made <# "center"> 2. Management and leadership

There is a big difference between management and leadership. In my opinion management is a very huge term; covering many aspects, while leadership may be considered as a part of management. Management refers to the art of directing, controlling, and supervising a group of people or employees with the help of many management tools, which can also include leadership, while leadership can be said as the process of leading a group of certain people. (4) can be properly defined as "the art of managing people and the person is called manger who utilizes human resource, finances, technology, and natural resources to get certain results in the favor of the organization. Leadership is a part of management and it is the inborn capability of the individual which makes him a successful leader. It is very necessary for a leader that his subordinates should be purely his followers, otherwise the leader might not be considered as a good leader.scholars have agreed on this theory that management process includes leading the management, organizing the complete management, planning how to handle the management, controlling all the factors and besides these all the problems faced is a part of management. So in my opinion the difference between management and leadership exist because of the vastness in terminologies. Management is a vast term which covers the term leadership and thus making it a part of management.fact a person who wants to be a real manager has to pass through three levels to achieve it s aim. While both managers and leaders play important organizational roles, only a real manager can not only to inspire his team, but to achieve high results.people are first appointed to the manager role, they tend to behave like overseers and become task focused. We can call this Level 1. They are just trying to figure it all out. "What are we trying to do here? How do we get it done? "They are basically focused on the work and achieving on-time and on-budget delivery.leaders understand what it takes to be successful in the work, they then begin to realize that they can be more effective if their people are more effective. When that happens, they make the leap to Level 2. They go from being an overseer to a coach, from being task-focused to people-focused.2 leaders direct their energies toward understanding their people's skills, maximizing their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses. Level 2 leaders focus on communicating the overall picture of what they are trying to accomplish. They delegate, they groom, and they spend a lot of time ensuring that everyone is clear about the goals. They understand that to be successful, their people have to understand the leader's objectives and the key principles for decision-making.your people do not understand your principles of operation, they will make decisions based on their own principles - which may or may not match yours! you are in the presence of a Level 2 leader, you know it because the difference is like night and day. Level 1 leaders talk about the tasks, the deliverables and the factors related to accomplishing them. Level 2 leaders, however, tend to be focused on people. They realize that they can be more successful if their people are more successful.while the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 leaders is significant, the difference between Level 2 and Level...

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