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Реферат The differences between management and leadership

3 leaders is even more so. While Level 1 leaders focus on task, and Level 2 leaders focus on people, Level 3 leaders focus on the future. They are constantly forward focused. We call Level 3 the visionary level.3 leaders want to know how decisions today will impact the future. They consistently ask themselves, "Where is the business going? How do we align our efforts with the business objectives? What do our customers want? What is coming down the pike that we need to be preparing for today? What do we need to be doing today to better prepare our business for the future? ", The three levels are not positions in an organization. They are levels of development for a leader. Tragically, you can have the CEO of an organization operating at Level 1. You can also have someone in a position like receptionist acting at Level 3. For example, while a Level 1 receptionist is just trying to get all the phone calls answered while greeting people who walk through the door, a Level 3 receptionist would be constantly looking for ways to improve how the phone and greeting processes could better support the business . To move from Level 1 to Level 2, you have to understand what it takes to be successful in the job. You don't have to know how to do the job, just what it takes to be successful so you can recruit, coach, groom and evaluate others. Until you are clear on what it takes to be successful, we recommend focusing your energies on Level 1 activities.2 is called coach. Therefore to have the luxury of focusing your energies on Level 3, you have to have people in place who know what it takes to be successful and who can coach other people. If you do not have people who can coach others, you will be kept at Level 2 because you will be the one coaching. To move from Level 2 to Level 3, you have to have people who know what they are doing, but those people must also know how to develop other people.Level 3 model is intended to encourage striving for a higher vision for leadership. However if we only reward people who get things done on time and under budget, our leaders will be encouraged to focus on Level 1. We must have rewards and incentives for building leadership skills in others, anticipating customer needs, and creating and implementing higher visions.

2.1 Differences between management and leadership

Leading should not be considered the same as managing. Business leaders who do not understand the difference between the functions/roles of leading and managing are quite likely to misinterpret how they should carry out their duties to meet organizational goals. While some managers are high-quality leaders, others only manage resources and don't lead their subordinates. Leadership is one of the four primary activities that are used to influence others. As such, it is a subcategory of the management concept that focuses mainly on behavioral issues and opportunities. Managing is more comprehensive than leading. It involves dealing with resource issues as well as behavioral factors. Generally speaking, not all managers are necessarily leaders, yet the most effective managers, over the long term, are leaders.of the most significant differences between managers and leaders is how they exercise control. In the past, managers have exercised their authority through three sources: title - A manager s job title has traditionally been the most critical source of power and respect in organizations. However, things are changing. More and more organizations are removing entire job levels and moving towards a flat hierarchical structure. The trend of switching to flat hierarchical structures in an attempt to create equality among employees has helped in breaking the boss "and the worker" ; barriers.expertise - Managers can no longer claim to have the best experience in a certain area. Employees at all levels have access to countless educational choices, state of the art technology, online research on any given topic, and job opportunities that allow them to quickly get the required experience to excel at their job. And, while experience does improve one s ability to make good decisions, past experience alone needs to be used with caution, particularly in today s unprecedented economic and social environment.to confidential information. In the past managers could control and restrict the information flow, using it to their advantage. But, technological advances have changed information accessibility and usage.

With changes in how organizational hierarchies, expertise, and information are viewed by employees, the real control has to come through the way leadership <# "justify"> 1. They follow because they want to, not b...

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