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Реферат Scotland: History and Modernity


Установа освіти

«Гомельський державний університет

імені Франциска Скорини »

Факультет іноземних мов

Кафедра теорії та практики англійської мови

Scotland: History and Modernity

Курсова робота


студент групи А - 24 В.С. Атрошкіна

Науковий керівник

викладач О. І. Шеремет

Гомель 2012


Курсова робота 39 сторінок, 26 джерел

Key words: hunter-gatherers, farmers and monument builders, the Picts, the Scots, the Angles, the Wars of Independence, the foundation of St. Andrew `s University, Mary the Queen of Scots, the Scottish reformation, John Knox, James VI, the Union of the Crowns, the Jacobite Rebellions, modern literature, Scottish tourism

The object of work: to study the history of Scotland, its political, religious and cultural aspects, to retrace the historical change of Scotlandof research: study of special literature including books, magazines, articles. Comparison of the material from different sources. Use of some official Scottish web-sites: increased general knowledge of Scottish culture and historyof application: this work contains brief, but versatile information about Scottish history and culture since AD ??until present. It can be used to introduce Scotland to tourists and people who want to find out more about this land. This work also includes historical facts and analysis of statistics



. Scotland `s first settlers

.1 Prehistoric Scotland

.1.1 Before modern humans

1.1.2 Hunter-gatherers

1.1.3 Farmers and monument builders

.1.4 Skara Brae: c.2500 BC

1.2 Scotland to the 11th century AD

.2.1 Pre-Roman Scotland to the 1st century AD

1.2.2 The Picts

1.2.3 The Scots

1.2.4 The Angles

1.2.5 The Vikings and the British Isles: 9th - 10th century AD

1.2.6 The MacAlpin dynasty: AD 843-1057

1.2.7 Duncan and Macbeth: AD 1034-1057

2. The kingdom of Scotland in the 11th - 16th century

2.1 The Wars of Independence

2.2 The foundation of St. Andrew `s University

2.3 Mary the Queen of Scots

3. Scotland `s nation

3.1 John Knox - the leader of the Scottish reformation8

3.2 James VI and The Union of the Crowns (1603) 0

4. Political and cultural life after merger of Scotland and England. The Jacobite Rebellions

5. Modern life of Scotland

5.1 The main characteristics of Scotland in the modern era

5.2 The modern literature

5.3 Tourism in Scotland

5.3.1 The main features

5.3.2 Tourist destinations in Scotland



Scotland has always been a land with its own identity, unique culture and rich history. Since the first settlers i...

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