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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Scotland: History and Modernity

Реферат Scotland: History and Modernity

t has been shaped by many nations, political and cultural events and now it is an incredible and vibrant land, which we are going to introduce. In the first chapter we want to tell about Scotland `s first settlers (Prehistoric Scotland, Scotland before modern humans, hunter-gatherers, farmers and monument builders, one of the first settlements - Skara Brae and so on). The first settlers occupied Scottish territories and founded settlements in spite of scarce soil, extreme weather conditions and heavy-going mountains. During the neolithic period Scotland shares with the Atlantic coast <# «justify"> In the fourth chapter we want to consider political and cultural life after merger of Scotland and England. This period in history can be described as Scotland being British. The cultural differences, historical background, religious controversies - these are conditions which made this union between Scotland and England quite specific and complicated. Although Englang became powerful - colonies, strong economy, cultural revival - it affected Scotland in many ways. Cultural, social, economical interactions had a positive impact for the people of Britain.

The fifth chapter describes the modern life of Scotland, its literature and development of tourism. In the early modern era royal patronage supported poetry, prose and drama. In this time the world-famous names were got abroad: Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Arthur Conan Doyle. One of them - Robert Burns - is the best loved Scottish poet, admired not only for his verse and great love-songs, but also for his character, his high spirits.

1. Scotland `s first settlers

.1 Prehistoric Scotland

.1.1 Before modern humans

During the last interglacial <# «justify"> 1.1.3 Farmers and monument builders

Neolithic <# «justify"> 1.1.4 Skara Brae: c.2500 BC

In the extreme north of Scotland, in the Orkneys, a small neolithic community builds a village in about 2500 BC on a site already occupied for many generations. There is no wood on the island, so the walls of the one-room dwellings are of stone. So is the built-in furniture. There are stone beds and shelves and recessed cupboards, with a hearth in each hut. Low covered passages lead from one dwelling to another. Earth is piled up around to give shelter from the wind. There is even a drain from each of the seven or eight houses, leading to a common sewer. A sudden disaster of some kind causes Skara Brae to be abandoned. Rapidly covered by sand, it is preserved intact until unearthed in 1850 [2].

1.2 Scotland to the 11th century AD

.2.1 Pre-Roman Scotland to the 1st century AD

In the neolithic period Scotland shares with the Atlantic coast <# «justify"> The Picts were the oldest inhabitants of Caledonia, which derived its name from one of their ancient tribes, the Caledonii, who dominated the area when the Romans first arrived. The Picts were a small, dark people with a reputation for magic and secrecy and for defining inheritance exclusively through the mother's line. They were often associated with the ancient brochs (thick towers), menhirs, and stone circles scattered throughout the British isles, though their own legends claim that these structures were in place even before the Picts arriv...

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