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Реферат Theory of literature

epic poetry and drama, «to imitate the same, and the same may be, describing the event as something separate from himself, as Homer does, or is it that mimics is by itself, without changing your face, or representing all persons depicted as active and energetic ». a similar spirit - as the types of relationships proposed (« carrier of speech ») to the artistic whole - childbirth literature repeatedly considered and later, up to the present. However, in the XIX century. (Initially - in the aesthetics of romanticism) strengthened a different understanding of the epic, lyric and drama, not as verbal art forms, as well as some of intelligible essences, recorded philosophical categories: literary generations are thought of as a type of artistic content . Thus their review has been rejected by the poetics (the doctrine is of literary art.) Thus, Schelling lyrics correlated with infinity and the spirit of freedom, epics - with pure necessity, the drama also saw a kind of synthesis of both: the struggle of freedom and neobhodimosti.the XX century labor literature repeatedly correlated with the various phenomena of psychology (memory, performance, power), linguistics (the first, second, third grammatical person), as well as the category of time (past, present, future). division of labor in the literature does not coincide with its division into poetry and prose. In everyday speech lyrical works are often identified with poetry, and epic - with prose. Such usage is incorrect. Each of the literary genres include both poetry (poetry) and prose (nestihotvornye) works. Epic early art was often poetic (epic antiquity, French songs about the exploits, Russian epics and historical songs, etc.). Epic in its generic basis of works written in verse, often in modern literature («Don Giovanni» John N. Byron, «Eugene Onegin» by Alexander Pushkin, «Who Lives Well in» NA Nekrasov). In a dramatic kind of literature are also used as poetry and prose, sometimes connects in the same work (many of Shakespeare «s plays). And the lyrics, for the most poetic, sometimes mundane (think Turgenev »s« Poems in Prose »). The theory of literary genres there are more serious problems of terminology. The word «epic» («Epic»), «dramatic» («Drama»), «lyrical» («Lyricism») refers not only generic features works, which were discussed, but other properties. Epic called majestic calm, unhurried contemplation of life in its complexity and diversity of the breadth of view of the world and its acceptance as a sort of integrity. In this regard, it is often said the «epic world view», art incarnate in the Homeric poems, and several recent works («War and Peace» Leo Tolstoy). Epic as the ideological and emotional disposition can occur in all sorts of literature - not only in epic (narrative) works, but in the drama («Boris Godunov» by Alexander Pushkin) and lyrics (cycle «On the field of Kulikovo» AA unit). Drama called mentality associated with an intense experience of some controversy, with emotion and anxiety. Finally, the lyricism - is sublime emotions expressed in a speech the author, narrator and characters. Drama and lyricism can also be present in all literary labor. So, full of drama romance LN Tolstoy «s« Anna Karenina », a poem, MI Tsvetaeva» s «Nostalgia.» Lyricism infused novel IS Turgenev «s« Noble Nest » plays AP Chekhov »s« Three Sisters » and «The Cherry Orchard», stories and novels Bunin. Epic poetry and drama, so free from the uniquely-rig...

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