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Реферат Incentive Tour

Державний вищий навчальний заклад



Кафедра іноземних мов ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО Спілкування

Реферат з англійської мови

на тему:

«Incentive Tour»

виконан: студент гр. МТУ 141

Павлов Руслан Володимирович



. Proem

2. Useful Effect

. Psychology of the incentive

. Benefits of Incentive Travel

. Group and Individual Incentives

. Cruise Incentives

. Literature

1. Proem

tourism incentive program religious

Incentive tourism represents one of the most effective ways of rewarding and motivating your employees, business partners and clients. Financial incentives quickly become commonplace. Unlike them, incentive tourism offers endless opportunities and - if arranged in a professional way - is original and unforgettable.the Czech Republic, this type of tourism started to develop in the 1990s, especially under the influence of multinational companies that started their operations on Czech market. They started to motivate their Czech employees and other persons involved in their business processes by foreign journeys.tourism events are usually organized for rewarded employees and their family members.kind of tourism is organizing trips for employees of travel companies for recreation and entertainment to promote their professional diligence and increase motivation. It also applies on: on package tours and individual clients to promote their professional activities.

. Useful Effect

incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program, which is a business tool used to change behavior to improve profit, cash flow, employee engagement and customer engagement.an organization properly designs an incentive program, which includes looking at all departments which will be affected, rather than just the impact to the department that is sponsoring the incentive, the return on investment can be proven Incentive travel investments yield a return of investment of more than $ 4: $ 1. In addition, executives state that in order to achieve the same effect of incentive travel, an employee s total base compensation would need to be increased by 8.5%. Incentive Research Foundation released a study «The Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Program» in 2010. This study follows the steps that this organization took to ensure that they received a return on their investment; they successfully merged acquired organizations into their company and that they successfully merged their incentive programs.tourism professional sellers tours designed to familiarize them with the product or services that they offer for sale. They investigate all aspects of the products offered to increase sales. This species is common in the travel agencies, hotels, transport organizations and leads to improved customer service. ...

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