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Реферат Incentive Tour

. Psychology of the incentive

aspects are important, eg:

Public reward of a job achievement or continuous job performance

Family and social prestige

Getting acquainted with new destinations

Participating in programs that are unavailable through regular tourism

The following aspect is differentiate incentive tourism from standard eventscharacter of tourism demand is influenced by subjective factors. With the emergence of new values ??in human psychology is undergoing profound changes. They are created in the investigation with the following points:

Freer self-expression and self-assertion directly to their physical and spiritual data;

Revision of relations with other individuals, social groups and institutions. These relationships are more soft and flexible and depend mainly on the choice of the person;

The formation of a relationship with nature, in which, as noted in the final report of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED - 92)," people restrain their pride and selfishness and consumption will try to live in harmony with Nature.is reflected in the concept of sustainable development based on a sustainable nature, providing a high quality of life of people in the chain of generations. Sustainable development is put forward as the main task of humanity at the turn of the century.options of incentive tourism that designed to stimulate cohesion of workers are:

A key role in the development of tourism as cultural and educational factors;

The growing importance of religious tourism;

An increasing number of tourist development organizations and religious pilgrimage tours;

Increasing focus on event tourism;

Rural tourism - is not only saving money for personal travel consumer, but also solutions to complex social problems - initiation to the nature of children and youth;

Sports tourism begins to regain its relevance with simultaneous increase of the requirements for its safety and comfort; tourist trips for professionals (employees of travel agencies) largely stimulate increasing tourist demand.

. Benefits Of Incentive Travel

strategies, such as incentive programs, play a critical role in drawing attention to organization values, driving the behaviors that count, fostering loyalty and commitment, and encouraging participation. Positive recognition is the most effective way to reinforce desired behaviors. People tend to repeat the behaviors that they believe will be rewarded.structured promotions go beyond spurring one-time behaviors. They thank in a way that builds loyalty over time through sustained recognition. The benefits include higher profit margins, increased sales, increased market share, greater net income per employee, and increased innovation. Tangible recognition, like travel, provides a way not only to thank major contributors dramatically but also to send a message throughout the organization that outstanding performance is highly valued.you determine whether or not to do a travel Incentive, there are tangible and intangible b...

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