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«Гомельський державний університет імені Франциска Скорини»
Факультет іноземних мов
Кафедра теорії та практики англійської мови
Курсова робота
The British Parliament: Origins and Development
Виконавець: Білізек М.О.
Викладач Польова К.В.
Гомель 2013
. The Beginnings of Parliament
.1 The Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot
.2 The King s Feudal Council - Curia Regis
.3 Magna Carta ??p>
.3.1 Struggle for the Limitation of the King s Power
.3.2 Magna Carta and the Decline of Feudalism
.4 Summoning of the First Elected Parliament in 1265
.5 The Model Parliament of Edward I (1295)
. The Development of Parliament in the Late Middle Ages
.1 Splitting into the Two Houses in the 14th Century
.2 The War of the Roses and the Beginning of Tudor Absolutism
.3 Government and Society in the 14th - 15th Centuries
.3.1 Social Structure
.3.2 The Growth of Parliamentary Power in the 14th - 15th Centuries
.4 Tudor Absolutism and the Decline of Parliament
.4.1 The Age of Henry VII Tudor s Reign (1485-1509)
.4.2 Tudor Parliaments in the 16th Century
. Stuart Parliaments in the 17th Century
.1 Social Structure
.2 The Growth of Contradictions between the Crown and Parliament
.2.1 The Age of James I Stuart s Reign (1603-1625)
.2.2 The Age of Charles I Stuart s Reign (1625-1649)
.3 The Bourgeois Revolution (1640-1653)
.3.1 The Parliament Opposition against the King
.3.2 The Civil War (1642-1645)
.3.3 The Struggle within the Parliament Party
.3.4 The Civil War of 1648. The Establishment of the Republic
.4 Republican Britain and Cromwell s Dictatorship (1649-1660)
.5 The Restoration of the Monarchy in Britain (1660-1688)
.5.1 The First Political Parties - the Whigs and the Tories
.5.2 The Glorious Revolution of 1688
. The Modern British Parliament
.1 The British Parliament Today
.2 The House of Commons
.3 The House of Lords
.4 The Work of Parliament
is one of the oldest and most honored parts of the British government. Its name, from the French word parler (to talk), was given to mee...