TRANSPORT & ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Our modern world is heading towards creation of more and more regional blocks in order to achieve greater stability and prosperity in all areas. The European Union, one of the strongest regional blocks, has its economic policies as its main concern how to achieve stronger cooperation, integration and prosperity within the organization. The main discussion of this paper will be the EU Transport and Environmental policy. The main purpose...
Essay "Socrates ' conception of philosophy " Ivanov Arkady 1 group Icef Socrates ' conception of philosophy. Socrates, perhaps, the most interesting figure in the philosophy of antiquity, and also a world-famed personage. If shortly recall the periods alrea...
Russians and Mixed Martial Arts Too many times by now I have been asked the same question: Why are there so few Russian fighters in MMA? And every time I had to answer that it's a very long conversation and that it would take me a while to explain so that my opponent would get a clear picture of the situation. And indeed this is a long story and I feel that the time has come when I finally should reveal the whole misterious foggy spirit around ...
Essay: The Consequences of the Soviet-Afghan War. "What did the Afghan war give us? Thousands of mothers who lost their sons, thousands of cripples, and thousands of torn-up lives "(qtd. in Tamarov 156). These are the words of a veteran of the Soviet-Afghan war. The Soviet war was against an internal Afghan problem - the Mujahideen, an Islamic Fundamentalist group that was trying to overtake the ruling Afghan government. Even after nine years of intense fighting, the war...
Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman Essay Acoustic Emission Post-graduate Golenkov N.S. English Teacher Kislova V.M. Moscow 2001 The appearance of new technologies as well as the pe...
Податки для держави те ж, що вітрила для корабля. Вони служать тому, щоб швидше ввести його в гавань, а не тому, щоб завалити його своїм тягарем або тримати завжди в відкритому морі і щоб, нарешті, потопити його. Катерина II # "#"> # "1.files/image001.gif"> Структура витрат у федеральному бюджеті на 2002 рік p align=center> Структура доходів у федеральному бюджеті на 2002 рік В Оцінка пода...
Einhard When one thinks of Carolingian reformation, and the people related to it directly the first person that comes to mind is the king Charles the Great, and along with him one involuntarily thinks of his faithful 'servant' Einhard because he is the one that introduces him to us. But on top of being a simple biographer Einhard has done far more greater things in life, and today one has the opportunity to study what kind of man Einhard was, what he'd done dur...
Тема есе була обрана з причини збільшується популярністю кредитування, нарешті, і в Росії. Кредит дає величезні можливості, причому як для населення з метою споживання, так і для підприємців для інвестування. Кредит дозволяє ефективніше перерозподілити грошові кошти, що посилює динаміку економіки, а також дозволяє швидше реалізувати потреби споживачів. p> Нас цікавить банківський кредит. Один з основних його принципів - забезпеченість. Кредит може бути забезпечений будь-яким майном, що ...
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This is well argued. Its weakest point is the lack of dealing with opposing arguments. Thesis: 15; Summarize opposing arguments: 5 Main point: 15 Particulars: 15 Supporting evidence: 15 Conclusion: 10 MLA style: 4 Grammar, etc: 15 Total: 94/100 The National Missile Defense System - Burden for the United States Anuar Orumbayev English I [ENG...