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Реферат Diplomatic documents

ved the language of diplomatic documents as the object of stylistic and marked out that is has a lot of peculiarities. It the first chapter we have studied characteristic features of diplomatic documents. At first, we have studied grammatical, syntactical and stylistic peculiarities of diplomatic papers. Then we have described types of diplomatic documents.our second chapter, we have analyzed two diplomatic documents the first one of which is the Memorandum of Cooperation and the other NATO Treaty. We have emphasized a lot of characteristic features in these documents.style is a complex system, characterized as a holistic entity. This system is divided into a number of sub-systems in the form of sub-genres.speech activity is a component of all forms of diplomatic activity and is carried out either orally or in writing, showing the features in various forms of diplomatic activity that forms in the aggregate diplomatic sub-genres. Drafters should take into account features of diplomatic documents. Bearing in mind the impact of the document on the addressee, build it and choose such code communication tools that would optimize the communication process and helped to avoid loss of information. A distinctive feature of the diplomatic sub genre in general and, in particular, the written variety is faultlessly thoughtful selection of code means for transmitting information and achieve the desired effect of exposure.of peculiarities of the communication activity in the field of diplomacy allows to detect and to classify a set of stylistic features of the sub genre. It has such stylistic features as a diplomatic courtesy, formal expression, the components of which is officially and impersonality may be excluded in varying degrees, depending on the type of document, consistency and validity, solemn character, logical and emotional expressiveness. Each type of text diplomatic documents, in turn, is characterized by its own list of stylistic features.to the results of this report, we can conclude that the main objective of business style - the establishment of mutual understanding between the partners. Diplomatic documents include various substyles, each of which has its own characteristics. The main features of the diplomatic sub genre are related to the specific use of this style. By virtue of its traditions, diplomatic substyles has a large number of formalities that must be observed by all participants. The main activity of the diplomatic sub genre is politics and international relations.sub genre is characterized by the use as a business language and vocabulary of high style that gives the text a particular solemnity. Also an important role in the diplomatic text is assigned to forms of politeness, or compliments, the lack of which can be considered as a deliberate desire to offend or disrespect.such a way, all the formulated tasks have been solved and the purpose of the research has been reached. Linguistic peculiarities of diplomatic documents, a kind of written official English, have been studied as groups of stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.


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