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Реферат Stylistic phonetics based on the examples of the works by PB Shelley

n separately will have little or no aesthetic value. It is in combination with other words that a word may acquire a desired phonetic effect. The way a separate word sounds may produce a certain euphonic effect, but this is a matter of individual perception and feeling and therefore subjective. Thus the theory of sense - independence of separate sounds is based on a subjective interpretation of sound associations and has nothing to do with objective scientific data. However, the sound of a word, or more exactly the way words sound in combination, can not fail to contribute something to the general effect of the message, particularly when the sound effect has been deliberately worked out. This can easily be recognized when analyzing alliterative word combinations or the rhymes in certain stanzas or from more elaborate analysis of sound arrangement and from this work it is clear that the works by Percy Bysshe Shelley can be a very good example of it. p> Although the importance and significance of the stylistic phonetics is obvious, still there is no clear definition of it, may be because of the extensiveness of the studied subjects and their ambiguousness. Professor Seymour Chatman introduces the term В«phonostylisticsВ» and defines it as a subject the purpose of which is В«the study of the ways in which an author elects to constrain the phonology of the language beyond the normal requirements of the phonetic system. "[8] As can be inferred from this quotation, phonetic expressive means and particularly phonetic stylistic devices are not deviations from В«the normal requirements of the phonetic systemВ» but a way of actualizing the typical in the given text. [8]

Because of the ambiguousness of the subjects of stylistic phonetics, some authors prefer even not to enumerate phonetic stylistic devices, considering them quite similar and interdependent, for example I. Arnold. She states that on all levels, especially on the phonetic one, all expressive means and stylistic devices are united by the cohesion . She defined cohesion as «similar elements in 'similar position that make text coherent. This phenomenon may occur on different levels - phonetic, structural or semantic. »[1] Her concept is very interesting and really unconventional, but this work was made following the more generally accepted concepts of IR Galperin. The use of his concepts of stylistics and the idea of ​​stylistic phonetics allowed making a thorough analysis of the Shelley's song «To the Men of England» and understanding on its examples the ways of imparting a piece of work a strong emotional effect with the help of the sound features. It is necessary for the points of stylistic phonetics to be investigated further.


1. Арнольд І.В. В«Стилістика сучасної англійської мовиВ», В«ПросвещениеВ» 1981

2. Жирмунський В.М. В«Введення в метрикуВ», 1925

3. Пастернак Б. В«Літературна МоскваВ», 1956

4. Скребнев Ю.М. В«Основи стилістики англійської мовиВ», В«Вища школаВ», 1994 р.

5. Чуковський К.В. В«Високе мистецтвоВ», 1998 р.

6. Baldick, Chris В«Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary TermsВ», 1996

7. Bloomfield L. В«Language. NY В», 1961

8. Chatman, Seymor В«Stylistics: Qualitive and quantativeВ», 1967

9. Delaney D., Ward G., Fiorina C.R. В«Fields of Vision: English Literature in English В»,В« Longman В», 2009

10. Fonagy I. В«Communication in Poetry В», 1961

11. Galperin I.R. В«StylisticsВ» В«Moscow Higher SchoolВ», 1977

12. Jakobson R. В«Linguistics and Poetry. Style in Language. В», 1929

13. Leontyeva S.F. В«A Theoretical Course of English PhoneticsВ», 2004

14. Soshalskaya E.G., Prokhorova V.L. В«Stylistic AnalysisВ», В«Moscow Higher SchoolВ», 1976

15. Webster's New World Dictionary, 2009

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