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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

lign="justify">. I listen to music in the evening. ) On b) to c) in

. Have you got this sweater in large? ) In b) for c) on

. Can I try it on ? ) In b) on c) to

. How much are pens? ) Are b) am c) is

. I don t mind playing tennis. ) To play b) playing c) play

. dance with somebody ) with somebody b) an instrument c) beer

. food buy ) meet b) buy c) play

. Is there a big hotel? ) Yes, it is b) Yes, There is c) Yes, there are

. There are lots of cheap cafes. ) Are b) is c) do

. There is tea in the cup. ) Does b) are c) is

. Are there interesting shops in the town? ) Are there b) are they c) is it

. On Sundays I go to church in the morning. ) In b) to c) on

. I go for a drink in the bar near my house. ) For b) on c) to

. I work late on Fridays. (Often)) Often I work late on Fridays. ) I work often late on Fridays. p align="justify"> c) I often work late on Fridays.

43. He is busy. (Always)) Always he is busy. p align="justify"> b) He is always busy.

c) He always is busy. p align="justify">. He is drinking coffee now. ) Are drink b) is drinking c) drinking

. Are they smoking in the kitchen now? ) Are they smoking b) smoking they c) is they smoking

. I will have a cola. ) Can b) will c) do

. I can design a website. ) To design b) designing c) design

. Was it a good holiday? ) Was b) were c) are

. We were in Greece last year. ) Was b) is c) were

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