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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

"justify"> friends. ) Their b) your c) our

. Her name is Kate. ) Her b) his c) its

. Our parents give us money.) Gives b) give c) gived

. My mother cooks dinner every day.) Cooks b) cook c) cooked

. I don t meet new people in the bars. ) Am not meet b) doesn t meet c) don t meet

. He doesn t contact friends by e-mail. ) Doesn t contact b) don t contact c) isn t contact

. They go for a walk. ) To b) for c) on

. We always dance to music. ) To b) for c) on

. They have lunch at o clock. ) In b) on c) at

. Does he use the Internet? ) Do b) is c) does

. Do they study English? ) Do b) are c) does

. He looks for hotels in the Internet. ) By b) on c) in

. We contact friends by e-mail. ) By b) on c) in

. I never travel by bus. ) On b) by c) in

. Have you got any guide books? ) Any b) some c) a

. I have got some posters. ) Any b) some c) a

. Do you take an umbrella? ) An b) a c) -

. Greg never takes a phrasebook. ) An b) a c) -

. She has got a special mug from Poland. ) Has got b) have got c) have

. I like doing karate. ) Doing b) playing c) going

. He hates going jogging. ) Doing b) playing c) going

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