#39;Товари в наявності' then.Lines [0]: = 'select * from NALI4IE'ComboBox1. Text =' продані товари 'then. Lines [0]: = 'select * from PRODANNOE'ComboBox1. Text =' Інформація про магазин 'then begin.Enabled: = False;. Lines [0]: =' select * from SHOP'ComboBox1. Text = 'Інформація по відділах 'then.Enabled: = False;. Lines [0]: =' select * from OTDELY '; ComboBox1.Text =' Дисконтні картки 'then.Lines [0]: =' select * from DISCONT'ComboBox1. Text = 'Договори 'then.Lines [0]: =' select * from DOGOVOR ';. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open; (ProgressBar1.Handle, $ 0409, 0, clLime);// progressbar change color to Lime.ProgressBar1.Position : = 0;// progressbar null.Enabled: = true;; TForm1.ComboBox2Change (Sender: TObject); bufer: string;. Close;. SQL.Clear;: = Memo1.Lines [0]; ComboBox2.Text = ' зростанням 'then.Lines [0]: = Memo1.Lines [0] +' order by ID'ComboBox2. Text = 'Убуванню' then.Lines [0]: = Memo1.Lines [0] + 'order by id desc' ComboBox2.Text = 'Найменуванню' then.Lines [0]: = Memo1.Lines [0] + 'order by NAIMENOVANIE'ComboBox2. Text =' Даті 'thenComboBox1.Text =' продані товари 'then.Lines [0]: = Memo1.Lines [0] + 'order by DATAPRODAJI'; ComboBox1.Text = 'Товари в наявності' then.Lines [0]: = Memo1.Lines [0] + 'order by DATAPOSTUPLENI9'; ComboBox1.Text = 'Договори' then.Lines [0]: = Memo1.Lines [0] + 'order by DATADOGOVORA';;. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open;. Lines [0]: = bufer;; TForm1.Button6Click (Sender: TObject );. Close;. Lines [0]: = 'select * from nali4ie where id_otdel = 1';. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open;; TForm1.Button7Click (Sender: TObject);. Close;. Lines [ 0]: = 'select * from nali4ie where id_otdel = 2';. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open;; TForm1.Button8Click (Sender: TObject);. Close;. Lines [0]: = 'select * from nali4ie where id_otdel = 3 ';. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open;; TForm1.RadioGroup1Click (Sender: TObject);. Enabled: = False; Edit2.Enabled: = False; Edit3.Enabled: = False;. Enabled : = False; RadioGroup1.ItemIndex of
: Edit1.Enabled: = True;
: begin.Enabled: = True;. Enabled: = True;;
: Edit4.Enabled: = True;;; TForm1.Button9Click (Sender: TObject);. Close;. Lines [0]: = 'select * from prodannoe where id_otdel = 1';. SQL : = Memo1.Lines;. Open;; TForm1.Button10Click (Sender: TObject);. Close;. Lines [0]: = 'select * from prodannoe where id_otdel = 2';. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open ;; TForm1.Button11Click (Sender: TObject);. Close;. Lines [0]: = 'select * from prodannoe where id_otdel = 3';. SQL: = Memo1.Lines;. Open;; TForm1.Button12Click (Sender: TObject);. Close; RadioGroup1.ItemIndex = 0 then.Lines [0]: = 'select * from prodannoe where DATAPRODAJI =''' + Edit1.TextRadioGroup1.ItemIndex = 1 then.Lines [0]...