ість';; TForm1.BitBtn2Click (Sender: TObject); Count, i: integer;: boolean;: = true; Count: = 1 to stringgrid1.RowCount do (edit1.Text = stringgrid1.Cells [0 , Count]) then: = Count;: = false;;; boo then
label5.Caption: = 'Такого ресурсу немає в списку!';
end.Rows [i]. Clear; Count: = i to stringgrid1.RowCount-1 do.Cells [0, Count]: = stringgrid1.Cells [0, Count +1];. Cells [1, Count]: = stringgrid1.Cells [1, Count +1];;. RowCount: = stringgrid1.RowCount -1;. Caption: = 'Ресурс стертий.';;; TForm1.Edit2KeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); key of
# 8:;
# 13: bitbtn1.SetFocus;
'0 '.. '9':;
# 110:;
# 46:; key: = # 0;;; TForm1.BitBtn4Click (Sender: TObject);. Caption: =''; groupbox5.Visible = true then.Visible: = false;. Visible : = true;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = false;. Clear ();. Enabled: = false; form1.RadioButton2.Checked then (False) (False); ();; groupbox4.Visible = true thenProverka () then.Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;. Visible: = true;. Visible: = true;. Caption: = '<Відповідь>'; ();;; groupbox3.Visible = true thenstringgrid2. Cells [0,1] <>'' then.Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;. ColCount: = 2;. RowCount: = 2; (); label5.Caption: = 'подуктів ні?! ';; groupbox1.Visible = true thenstringgrid1.Cells [0,1] <>'' then.Enabled: = true;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = true; label5.Caption: =' Ресурси не можуть відсутнім! ';;; TForm1.BitBtn5Click (Sender: TObject);. Caption: =''; groupbox3.Visible = true then.Enabled: = false;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;; groupbox4.Visible = true then.Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;; groupbox5.Visible = true then.Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = false;. Caption: = 'Далі ->';. Enabled: = true;; groupbox6.Visible = true then.Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;. Visible: = true;. Visible: = true;. Enabled: = true ;;; TForm1.Edit3KeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); key of
# 8:;
# 13: edit4.SetFocus;
'a' .. 'z':;
'A' .. 'Z':;
'а' .. 'я':;
'А' .. 'Я':;
'0 '.. '9':; key: = # 0;;; TForm1.Edit4KeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); key of
# 8:;
# 13: bitbtn3.SetFocus;
'0 '.. '9':;
# 110:;
# 46:; key: = # 0;;; TForm1.BitBtn3Click (Sender: TObject); Count: integer;: boolean;: = true; (edit3.Text ='') or ( edit4.Text ='') then: = false;. Caption: = 'Заповніть в...