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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Role plays

Реферат Role plays


- dynamism is the importance and influence of the time factor in the game. The game is significant for the level of preparedness of students

- visibility of the game means that all gaming activities must be open to the real and unreal (film, theater, computer games) manifestations of a reality, greatly enhancing the cognitive interest;

- entertaining and emotional game reflect the exciting and interesting manifestations of the game, greatly enhance the cognitive interest

- principle of individuality reflects a purely personal attitude to the game, which has the personal qualities and have the opportunity for self expression and a player;

- Collectivism also reflects the collaborative nature of the interconnected and interdependent gaming activities, fosters relationships, learn to think and act in unison

- purposefulness of a player reflects unity of purpose for the player and his opponent's personal goals must coincide with the overall objectives of the team

- initiative and independence of a player in the game is one of the main principles, has the function of management expressed in the ratio between the measure of self-activity and the measure of autonomy;

- Competition and competition in the game. Without competition there is no game. The didactic value of this principle is obvious, since leads to an active self-employment, and mobilizes the physical, intellectual and spiritual strength

- Performance reflects the recognition results of actions in the game, both productive and creative activities player team;

- reliability and repeatability of the game shows that almost all of them are based on real models and the role. This allows you to repeat the past and "open up" the certainty of the future. So the game is a powerful tool for prediction;

- problematic principle in the game is logical and psychological patterns of thought in the intellectual and emotional struggle Game - a "perfect generator" learning problems, and the ability to "see and do" problems where they do not have for rivals, leading to victory in the game, and in life

- information for the game in its simplest form, reflects the strong emotion in the player waiting for the success or failure, etc.

Thus, a holistic, cohesive application of principles of effective organization of play activities can ensure a high didactic, educational and developmental impact on the players.

1.4 Advantages of the playing method

The objectives of the game are more consistent with the practical needs of students This form of educational process removes the contradiction between the abstract nature of an acade...

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