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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

ercent .. Metises, descendants of Europeans and Indians, were among the first settlers in the province, many of which got over to Saskatchevan from Manitoba. Thanks to the cheap earth the agriculture gradually forced out trade in bellows. The considerable wave of immigration to the province began in the one thousand eight hundred ninety ninth to year also ended in one thousand nine hundred twenty ninth. Today the population of the province makes more than one million people. Saskatchevan - the only province of Canada where the majority of inhabitants aren »t descendants of British or Canadians. The largest ethnic groups are Germans, Ukrainians, Scandinavians, Danes, Poles and Russians. Redzhina and Saskatoon - two largest cities of the province in which lives nearly a third of all population of Saskatchevan .. The extensive woods of Yukon were long since occupied by Atapaskanami, whose cultural and language traditions exist at least one thousand years. Today only six tribes of atapaskansky Indians survived: khan, helmet. On Yukon live about thirty one thousand people. Twenty three percent of inhabitants of the territory - Indians. Nearly sixty percent of all population live to Whitehorse, the territory capital.

. International relations

Canada, as well as in other former colonial countries of the world, there are problems with aboriginals of the continent. Only little bit of Indians lives in reservations, the others defend the right to the earth and property, living in provinces among immigrants and descendants of immigrants. The Canadian government, however, tries to satisfy requirements of Indians reasonably, instead of to suppress their protests force or to ignore them. For example, it agrees to one of the last governmental decrees, it is authorized to Indians to be engaged in collecting, hunting and fishery for providing and the family livelihood, but not to trade in hunting or fishing for sale. However, public organizations of Indians declared at once the right to collect all gifts of the nature with taken away to them lands that is to cut down the woods, to extract oil, gas and other natural minerals. The government agreed to consider this statement, but it is improbable that it will satisfy it. Despite a large number of national communities, in each occupied city of Canada, representatives of all people of the world manage to coexist rather peacefully. However, in aspiration to keep national «I», these communities don «t merge with each other and don» t join other Anglo-and French-speaking population. Thus, in Canada there is no general, uniform culture which would unite all inhabitants of the country and defined sense of the concept «Canadian».

. Internal migrations

the two first decades of the twentieth century, movement from the southern Canada in the territory of prairies was a distinctive feature of internal migration. Besides British Columbia continued to receive benefit from migration after one thousand nine hundred thirty first. Albert's province accepted people from all Canada during oil boom of the seventieth. In Saskatchevan since one thousand nine hundred forty first emigration, than immigration more prevailed. The Province of Ontario accepted more people, than other provinces, but the most part of this gain depended on immigration more, than on migrations between provinces. Af...

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