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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

velopment generally depended on fishery places, and this order remains and to this day: the peninsula of Avalon and northwest part of Novaya Zemlya remain the most occupied territories provinces.Sacred John, the island capital - the largest city of the province with the population exceeding hundred seventy two thousand people. SCOTIA. More than eighty percent of the population of Nova Scotia rank themselves as descendants of inhabitants of the British Isles. On the second place there are French - about eighteen percent of inhabitants, and the remained two percent fall to the share of ethnic Germans, Danes, Poles, Italians and Jews. At the expense of immigration the number of Chinese, natives of Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe grows. About twenty two thousand inhabitants of Nova Scotia - Indians. In Halifax and its suburbs there live about three honeycomb twenty thousand all inhabitants of the province, and in Sydney - about hundred sixteen thousand. Severo - the Western Territories. Today in the North-West Territories lives about forty thousand people from which only forty eight percent belong to the northern people. The majority of inhabitants of the territory live in small communities. Ellounayf, the territory capital, totals only fifteen thousand inhabitants .. Since one thousand seven hundred seventy ninth of a wave of settlers from England, to Scotland and Ireland followed one after another, mastering new territories in a valley of the river of Sacred Lavrenti and occupying the country. To this day, immigration plays an important role in growth of the population and welfare of Ontario where now live big groups of the Italian, German, Chinese, Danish, Portuguese, Indian and Polish origin. In one thousand nine hundred ninetieth in the province nearly two hundred fifty thousand Indians and metises were. Ontario is the most occupied province in Canada - in it there live about eleven million people. In spite of the fact that English - the most widespread language in Ontario, francophones play an important role in cultural life of the province and are the most numerous language minority.PRINCE-EDWARD. In one thousand nine hundred ninety sixth the Island population the Prince-Edward made a little more than hundred thirty six thousand people. From this counting sixty two percent live in rural areas. Charlottetown, with the population in thirty three thousand people - the only city. About eighty percent of the population - descendants of Irish and Scots. About fifteen percent - French on nationalities, but only five percent of the population of the province are considered by French as the native language. The population of the island quite young - thirty eight percent of all inhabitants didn «t reach twenty five years .. From seven million inhabitants, five - the French, only three hundred fifty thousand - natives from the British Isles and about hundred thirty seven thousand- Indians and metises. Italians and natives of Eastern Europe make the largest ethnic minorities in Quebec, however from sixtieth years of the twentieth century inflow of immigrants from Portugal, Haiti, the countries of Latin America and South East Asia considerably increased. Since World War II end to Quebec, especially to the largest city of the province Montreal, more than six hundred fifty thousand immigrants from eighty countries of the world moved. In French eighty three percent of inhabitants of Quebec, in English - near talk seventeen p...

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