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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

ter World War II Priatlantichesky provinces lost more, than three hundred thousand people.

. Urbanization and rural locality

is included into the leading seven industrially - the developed countries of the world. On the absolute volume of a gross national product takes the seventh place in the world. In the world market Canada looks rather well, is allocated with production various ore raw materials. Canada wins first place in the Western world on production of nickel - seventy percent, zinc - thirty percent, uranium - twenty five percent, silver - twenty percent. The second place on production of lead, the titan, gold, platinum. The third place on production of iron ore, cobalt, tungsten. Very much its strong positions and on production not ore raw materials. The first place on production of potash salts - forty percent. The second place on production of sulfur. In production of fuel minerals Canada, despite the territories isn't so high though in the mining industry oil and gas take the first places.

. Economy structure

. Primary sphere of economic activity of the person the rural economy, mining industry. Structure and placement of the major productions. The agriculture is developed in the southern regions of the country whereas reindeer breeding, hunting and fishery is widespread on extensive northern territories only. The most important agricultural areas are the central Canada and Steppe provinces, and they have various specialization. The central Canada is allocated with the branches providing requirements of urban population: vegetable growing, gardening, dairy animal husbandry and poultry farming. Steppe provinces owing to features of the local natural conditions at the end of the last century began transformation into one of leading areas of grain specialization. For agriculture less than ten percent of the land area of ??Canada are suitable. The country is the leading exporter of food products. In supply grain of the world market Canada and the USA play a predominating role. Any other area can «t be compared on production volume to the grain area in the west of the continent. Over seventy percent of farmlands are in this area. The second largest agricultural area is located on the peninsula of Ontario where the agriculture coexists with the industry and other types of economic activity in the Canadian sector of the North American industrial belt. Further to the East to Sacred Lavrenti »s lengthways rivers, in Quebec, the agricultural sector practises the system borrowed from France in the first years of settling. The mixed type of economy in a number of areas in the Atlantic provinces. It is the area mostly hilly and dismembered, except for Prince Edward Island where the flat relief allows to grow up various field cultures. Mining industry. Canada one of the richest countries on minerals. Subsoil of Canada conceals in themselves the inexhaustible riches submitting almost all table of Mendeleyev: non-ferrous, rare and precious metals, iron ore, uranium, oil, natural gas, coal, asbestos, potash salts. Such variety is explained first of all by features of a geological structure. Regions of the Canadian Shield differ richness of metal ores, West and North plains - power raw materials. The Canadian Shield call the country storeroom where huge fields of iron, nickel, copper, co...

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