uo;D:Draquo;].columnWidth:=20;.Columns[laquo;E:Eraquo;].columnWidth:=20;.Columns[laquo;F:Fraquo;].columnWidth:=15;.Columns[laquo;g:graquo;].columnWidth:=20;.Columns[laquo;h:hraquo;].columnWidth:=20;i:=1 to ADOTable1.RecordCount do.Cells [i + 5,1] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 5,1] .Borders [10] .Weight:=- 4138; .Cells [i +5,1] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4105; .Cells [i + 6,1] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,1] .Borders [10 ] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,1] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,2] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1 ;. Cells [i + 6,2] .Borders [10] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,2] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,3].Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,3] .Borders [10] .Weight:=- 4138; .Cells [i + 6,3] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:= - 4105; .Cells [i + 6,4] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,4] .Borders [10] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6 , 4] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,5] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,5] .Borders [10]. Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,5] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4105; .Cells [i + 6,6] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [ i + 6,6] .Borders [10] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,6] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4105; .Cells [i + 6,2] .Borders [8] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,2] .Borders [8] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,2] .Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105 ; .Cells [i + 6,3] .Borders [8] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,3] .Borders [8] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,3 ] .Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,4] .Borders [8] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,4] .Borders [8] .Weight: =- 4138; .Cells [i + 6,4] .Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4105; .Cells [i + 6,5] .Borders [8] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,5] .Borders [8] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,5] .Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,6] .Borders [8 ] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,6] .Borders [8] .Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [i + 6,6] .Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105 ;. Cells [i + 6,7] .Borders [8] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,7] .Borders [8] .Weight:=- 4138; .Cells [i + 6,7]. Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4105; .Cells [i + 6,7] .Borders [10] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,7] .Borders [10] .Weight:=-+4138; .Cells [i + 6,7] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,8] .Borders [8] .LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6, 8] .Borders [8] .Weight:=- 4138; .Cells [i + 6,8] .Borders [8] .ColorIndex:=- 4 105; .Cells [i + 6,8] .Borders [10]. LineStyle:=1; .Cells [i + 6,8] .Borders [10] .Weight:=- 4138; .Cells [i + 6,8] .Borders [10] .ColorIndex:=- 4105;.Cells[i+6,2]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;ID_Zayavkiraquo;).AsString;.Cells[i+6,3]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;ID_Klientaraquo;).AsString;.Cells[i+6,4]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;ID_Parikmaheraraquo;).AsString;.Cells[i+6,5]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;ID_Uslugiraquo;).AsString;.Cells[i+6,6]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;Data_Zapisiraquo;).AsString;.Cells[i+6,7]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;Vremyaraquo;).AsString;.Cells[i+6,8]:=ADOTable1.FieldByName(laquo;Data_Vipolneniyaraquo;).AsString;.Next;;i:=2 to 8do.Cells[ADOTable1.RecordCount+6,i].Borders[9].LineStyle:=1;.Cells[ADOTable1.RecordCount+6,i].Borders[9].Weight:=- 4 138; .Cells [ADOTable1.RecordCount + 6, i] .Borders [9] .ColorIndex:=- 4105;;:=GetCurrentDir;.DisplayAlerts:=false;.SaveAs(CurDir+laquo;Заявка.xlsraquo;);.Visible:=true;;TForm7.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);:=CreateOleObject ( Excel.Application ) ;. Visible:=True; .Workbooks.Open ( C: Заявкі.xls ) ;. ActiveSheet.Range [ A7 ]. Value: =DBEdit1.Text; .ActiveSheet.Range [ b7 ]. Value:=DBEdit2.Text; .ActiveSheet.Range [ c7 ]. Value:=DBEdit3.Text; .ActiveSheet.Range [ d7 ] .Value:=DBEdit4.Text; .ActiveSheet.Range [ e7 ]. Value:=dbEdit5.Text; .ActiveSheet.Range [ f7 ]. Value:=dbEdit6.Text; .ActiveSheet.Range [ g7 ]. Value:=dbEdit7.Text;
Форма Про програму. Додаток 8.TForm8.Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
begin ;;.