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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia

Реферат Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia

ters. In Georgia almost all kinds of mineral water can be found, with more than 2,000 mineral springs, out of which 1700 are natural phenomena and 300 are boreholes. Their estimated total yield per day is 120 million liters. The most common kind is a carbonic acid mineral water, the daily yield of which amounts to approximately 60 million liters.

[19] [1] Structural geologic and hydrochemical properties of the so-called geotechtonic zones account for the distribution of various kinds of mineral waters in Georgia. For instance, within the limits of the Main Range and the Southern slope of the Greater Caucasus - cold, mostly carbonic and hydrocarbonated waters predominate. On Georgian Block the typical water includes cold as well as thermal sulphide-methane and nitric-methane, chloride and sulphate. Within the Adjara-Trialeti system and the adjoining Somkhiti Block the following kinds of water predominate: carbonic acid hydrocarbonated or chloride-hydrocarbonated as well as weak sulphide nitric, sulphate-chloride or carbonate-bicarbonate.

Georgia has large reserves of thermal water of various chemical compositions. The territory occupied by Georgian Block and Adjara Trialeti System is especially rich in them. Thermal radioactive (Radonic) mineral waters are the main natural curative factors of the Tskaltubo and Tkvarcheli Resorts. So-called hyperthermal waters, forming a class by themselves are extracted from the earth's deep levels by boring. The main pools of these waters are: Tsaishi (Temp 81-82 C), Kvaloni (Temp 94 C), Kindghi (103 C), Khorga (Temp 110 C). Hyperthermal waters are mostly used for heating purposes.

Drinkable mineral waters are used for health-restoration not only at resorts, but also outside them in the form of bottled mineral waters. Such as Borjomi, Nabeglavi, Sairme, Ucera, Djava, and Zvare.

Borjomi Mineral Water . The Borjomi resort is considered as one of the most spectacular locations in Georgia. It is located at 950 meters above sea level between the evergreen slopes of the Meskheti and Trialeti Ridges.

Besides its beautiful nature and climate, the Borjomi region is famous for its mineral waters, which represent the other major natural curative factor of this place. Instead of natural springs known since older times, gusher-boreholes are being used at present.

In terms of chemical composition the mineral waters are of acidulous, hydrocarbonate, sodium variety, containing 0.5 to 1.5 g/l of free carbon dioxide. They also contain ions of chlorine and small amounts of bromine, lithium, barium and some other substances. Temperature of the water in various springs ranges from +17 to 38 C. There are ten capped boreholes at the resort wit a total yield of 700-800 thousand liters.

Mineral waters are mainly used as a curative drink, for medic...

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