e quality of repair. Flaw detection of a body and its parts are organized in the areas of the provisional body disassembly and Divisions repair.the detection of cracks and determine stocking density articulated parts used parts tapping method, which is based on the definition of tone sound when a hammer rapping parts. By changing the pitch of the sound can identify cracks and loose connections. In some places, the bearing members of the body due to the accumulation of fatigue and a significant hardening of the metal due to work hardening, which appeared in the process of re-repair panels, there are hairline cracks that can be detected with a magnifying glass with a four-or six-fold increase, and the best with a dye penetrant. Surface to be checked previously degreased by wiping with a clean cloth dipped in gasoline; then covered with red paint; wipe dry with a painted surface and cover with the help of white paint spray gun. Using dye penetrant can check the state of the metal in the most critical areas of the body. If there is a crack on the surface, the red paint lingers in it, visible through the white paint, revealing the contour of the crack.on the nature of the metal body repair damage done:
The elimination of irregularities in the panels and distortion geometric dimensions of the body;
Elimination of damage to cells bearing the body frame;
Replacement of the destroyed body parts with new parts;
Welding cracks and breaks.irregularities in the body panels and plumage are currently engaged in three main ways: mechanical impact on metal (pressure treatment); thermal influence on the metal panels; hardens quickly plastics. The main requirements for car bodies are as follows: line formed by two or more surfaces of the body panels should be smooth; faceplates subjected to repair Align carefully, all traces of straightening and welding, and places that can not be straightening filled plastic mass to complete their alignment. Doors, fenders, hood and other body parts should be strengthened reliably and without distortions. Mismatch of the mating surfaces must not exceed the tolerance. Not allowed creaks noise jamming rotating parts and assemblies, backlash in the loops, self opening doors while driving and other deviations from the normal state assemblies and parts of the body, agreed specifications. Glass should not have defects that distort the profile path, yellowing and cracking.3.1 is a flow diagram of the execution body work.
3.1 - Technological diagram of the execution body work.
body should be taut; backwardness, sagging, wrinkles and creases are not allowed. Screws securing the trim and cladding parts should be wrapped without distortions, and their heads should not have burrs. Upholstery color should be in harmony with the color of decorative paint finishes. Not allowed warping cab interior upholstery.finishes must be monochromatic, without spots, with a smooth sheen without streaks of paint, rowan, cracks, scratches from the grinding tool and the like. Chipped paint on the edges are not permitted.
3.3 Tooling bodywork section
to main body shop equipment include:
Welding equipment;
Stands for dismantling, body assembly;
Stands for the repair and straightening of car bodies;
Installations for the anticorrosive coating;
machine work piece, bending, flanging, grooving and cutting sheet material;
Racks for tools;
Shelving for parts and assemblies;
Welding table for work;
Table for gas welding works;
Bench for body and sheet metal work with a set of tools;
Trolley to move the body.of necessary equipment and tooling designed bodywork section is given in Table 3.1.
3.1equipment bodywork section
Name of equipmentType, brandNumberTripper electromechanicalП - 1291Hydraulic jack garageП - 1301Grinding machine reversible dust collectors33Б or ЗІЛ - 9001inverter weldingПСО - 300Д1Welding transformer odnopostovojСТШ - 3001Stand for repair and straightening of car bodiesР - 612М або Р - 6201Table for electric weldingОКС - 7 523 (Russia) 1Table for gas welding works7547 (Russia) 1Trolley for moving bodyІЕ - 70 (Russia) 1Workbench for body and sheet metal work (with kit) «шишкар - 1» (Czech Republic) 1Stand for fitting glass doors Car1
The materials used for the bodywork: