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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

Реферат Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

basis of mutual coordination and procurement of all major sites. The manufacturing process also includes training of repair facilities; organization service jobs; receiving and storing repair fund materials, semi-spare parts; all stages of repair and body assembly and its components, transportation of parts and assemblies.the design of the body have different requirements, some of which are common to all types of bodies, and some depend on the purpose of the body.general requirements include the provision of: good visibility for the driver and passengers, the tightness of the body that does not allow penetration into the body moisture and IPT; Body strength housing elements and their compounds, allowing to perceive acting on the body load and voltage with minimal deformation of the structure and form; disassembly and repair capabilities hidden under the body of the car mechanisms and free access to them; technological hull design, convenient for assembly, finishing, maintenance and repair, and parts there of shall be simple to manufacture; beautiful appearance of the car.design of the body is not allowed pockets of moisture. Not allowed as rattling and creaking body. Of great importance is the body performance, the ability of the body to be repaired with a minimum expenditure of time.main objectives of overhaul of the car body are full checks of the construction and equipment of the body; Troubleshooting and recovery of strength properties of the body and its reliability; repair or replacement of damaged structural elements of the car body and its equipment.process overhaul body is determined by its design features. Repair starts with the inspection body for acceptance it repaired to identify feasibility body repair, verify its completeness and detection of visible without dismantling the body damage. After washing the body is pre-inspection, the purpose of which ascertain the status and feasibility of repair of parts and components subject to mandatory removal from the body (glass, interior upholstery, etc.). After preliminary Troubleshooting perform general dismantling of the body. With a total disassembly disconnect and remove all installed on the body shell assemblies, components and parts. Unparsed remains only body shell. When cleaning the exterior of the body to its disassembly not washed surface, closed interior panels, body floor, assemblies and parts mounted on the body.and cleaned the body and tail of the car is sent to the site of old paint removal; units and components to be repaired in other shops, is sent to the warehouse storage units awaiting repair .; fittings, upholstery and other parts and body parts that need repair - in the specialized department of the body shop. On a plot of collation also receives refurbished and new parts installed on the body instead of discarded when it is built.removing the old paint is subjected to detailed monitoring body at which indicate the nature of damage to a body when it is operating. Then the body acts on the site of repair. Renovated box is pre-assembled, with the body hung on the door panel set, feathers and other parts to be painted with the body. Then the body paint and final assembly.

3.2 Scheme selection process Body Repair

Preparing the body for the repair is carried out in accordance with the scheme of the process of repairing and includes disassembly, removal of coatings, damage detection and repair work. Dismantling body runs for two consecutive times:

. Removal from the bodies of all units and components installed on his body from the inside and the outside.

. Dismantling body to repair after removal of paint and to identify any damages in the case.of the body to repair its parts is carried out to the extent necessary to ensure quality execution of all maintenance operations. Metal welded body shell does not understand. Unfit panel cut out and replaced with new repair parts. Technological processes in body repair are usually designed in accordance with the specifications that contain requirements of major assemblies and parts of the body, the permissible methods of recovery and the data required to monitor them after repair.of the car when the old paint is recommended to remove it from the body to repair, as often hidden under the paint damage (dents, cracks and other defects). Removing the old paint is also one of the first steps of surface preparation for the application of the new body paint.removing the old paint body undergoes careful monitoring in order to identify areas needing repair, and determine the amount of repair work directly on the body , the so-called flaw.of the technical state of (testing) Body usually carried out in accordance with the technical specifications for its repair. The accepted method of fault detection and thoroughness of its performance depends heavily on th...

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