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Реферат Idiom in English vocabulary

g on in years. She needs help nowadays.

. Clothes, tidiness - clothes may be tidy or untidy, fit well, be fashionable etc.

be a bad fit - when something doesn t suit someonenew dress was a bad fit.

down at heel - A person who is down-at-heel is someone whose appearance is untidy or neglected because of lack of money.down-at-heel student I first met became a successful writer.

like something the cat dragged in - If you compare a person or thing to something the cat dragged in, you think they they look dirty, untidy or generally unappealing.teenage son often looks like something the cat dragged in.

dressed up to the nines - wearing very smart or glamorous clothes.must be going to a party - she's dressed up to the nines.

to look a sight - If a person looks a sight, their appearance is awful, unsuitable or very untidy.looks a sight in that dress!

cut a dash - If a person cuts a dash, they make a striking impression by their appearance and attractive clothes.his uniform, my grandfather cut a dash on his wedding day.

mutton dressed as lamb - This expression refers to a middle-aged woman who tries to look younger by dressing in clothes designed for younger people.style does not suit her -it has a mutton-dressed-as-lamb effect on her!

Birthday suit - If you are in your birthday suit, you are naked.was standing in her Birthday suit.

fit like a glove - If something fits like a glove, it is suitable or the right size.coat fits like a glove.

be all of a muck - to be dirty with or as if with muck (A moist sticky mixture, especially of mud and filth) were all of a muck after playing in the garden.

hog in armour - one feels self-conscious or ill at ease in fine clothesthat suit he felt hog in armour.

not to have a rag to one s back - to have poor clothes, because you have no moneyold man doesn t have a rag to his back.

just out of a bandbox - elaborately dressedlook was just like out of a bandbox.

dressed to kill - When someone, especially a woman, is dressed to kill, they are wearing very fashionable or glamorous clothes intended to attract attention.arrived at the reception dressed to kill.

not a hair out of place - If someone does not have a hair out of place, their appearance is perfect.is always impeccably dressed - never a hair out of place.

. Health - state of one s health.

like death warmed up - you look very ill or tired.boss told me to go home. He said I looked like death warmed up.

full of beans - active and healthy.may be getting old but he's still full of beans.

full of piss and vinegar - very lively, healthy, boisterous or full of youthful vitality.had to look after a group of kids full of piss and vinegar.

hale and hearty - Someone, especially an old person, who is hale and hearty is in excellent health.grandmother is still hale and hearty at the age of ninety.

look the picture of health - to look extremely healthy.to see you again Mr. Brown. I must say you look the picture of health.

in rude health - If someone's in rude health, they are very healthy and look it.sportsman is in rude health.

. Dead or alive

dead as a doornail - is used to stress that a person or thing is very definitely dead.was dead as a doornail at that time.

. Similarity and difference

as different as chalk and cheese - completely different from each other.

like two peas in a pod - very similar in appearance.two brothers are very alike - they're like two peas in a pod!

much of a muchness - very similar or almost alike . s hard to choose between the two - they re much of a muchness really.

chip off the old block - A person who is a chip off the old block resembles one of their parents in appearance, character or behaviour.is a chip off the old block- he reacts the same way as his father

spitting image - If one...

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