person is the spitting image of another, they look exactly like each the spitting image of her mother.
So, idioms are integral part of language which make our speech more colourful and authentically native.Idioms can be quite clear (in general; come out; at first; the root of all evil) or pretty unclear (on end; pack it in; high and low; hard cash). Some idioms have proper names in them (a Jack of all trades; Uncle Sam); some other idioms are comparisons (as clear as a bell; as the crow flies) .should use idioms carefully, when you are sure that you are using them correctly. Idioms, like slang and swear words, are among the hardest parts of a language because your use must be exactly correct. You may use an idiom that is not right for the situation, and if you use an idiom wrongly, it sounds rather strange. You may use an idiom that means something different to your intended use.In order not to offend somebody try to omit idioms meanings of which are not clear for you.
To sum up, appearance of people plays a great role in creating idioms. On the contrary to the classical dictionaries, where phraseological units are combined accordingly to the word used in the construction of it, but not due to the object described, here you may find phraseological units describing human appearance selected especially for the topic. Such approach may be very useful while studing the theme human appearance. Because idioms which include, for example, a word denoting the part of the body not always describes the human appearance but even has absolutely different meaning: a pain in the neck - you can say someone is a pain in the neck if they annoy you, or something is a pain in the neck if you do not like doing it; a head start - If you have a head start, you start something ahead of others or with an advantage over others.
this work idioms that describe human appearance are included. It may be described positively or negatively. The list is subgrouped into different groups accordingly to the part of the body described or the state of one s body or clothes. These idioms are accepted as part of everyday speech and undoubtedly are of great practical value. This paper also includes the observation of main problems in definition of phraseological unit and different approaches to their classification. This can help not to make mistakes in choosing of the idiom and studying it. This knowledge (of slightly difference in terms) gives ability to work not only with native linguistics works but also with foreign manuals and dictionaries. An idiom may be treated as a natural manner of speaking to a native speaker of a language. So idioms are integral part of language which make our speech more colourful and authentically native.
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