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Реферат Концепт &happiness& в американській лінгвокультуре

in a happy state of mind. Afternoon tea laid out in the shade of summer sun is a recipe for happiness. 4Something cold when it s hot, or, vice-versa, smth hot when it s cold. Happiness sa mug of hot coca on a cold winter evening, beside the fire. Happiness on a hot day? Iced tea please! 5Returning home Happiness is the welcoming sound of my key as it turns in the lock. Feet up, body sunk into the sofa, TV on - I m happy. 6Desserts, sweets, etc Desserts of almost any kind are happiness. Scoop after scoop of ice cream makes Jack a happy lad. 7Flavours The perfume of night-scented jasmine fills my imagination with happiness. One of the simplest methods of stirring my soul is to catch a whiff of baking bread. 8Sounds The echo of the church bell on a midsummer s evening, not pressuring me to come but reassuring me that it s there. Happiness is the sound of the Sunday morning newspaper being delivered. 9Possibility to arrange your home. I am happy that I have a freedom of self-expression to paint my walls and hang my curtains as I wish. Who is not happy to discover he immense value of being able to hang a picture straight? 1.3. «My World» №Іспользуемий образПрімер1To remain yourself That I am proud just to be me is my happiest discovery. I no longer feel envy toward any other human being. I am happy just to be me. I am happiest just being myself. ) 2Calmness, relaxation, peace Great happiness is to be found when we can generate for ourselves a state of calmness, relaxation, and peace while being fully awake and fully aware. I take great satisfaction from things that take my mind off everything. 3Gratefulness from others Receiving a thank you when I have put myself out to help makes me happy. 4Feeling of freedom Happiness is the taste of freedom when you learn to ride a bike. Happiness is running with freedom .5Unknowing I will be happiest never finding out why the universe exists. 6Reading books I am always happy to find a new book of my favorite author. Bookmarks that journey through books with me are happy companions. 7Relationships with others The feeling of happiness I enjoy the most is the one I get when I make people around me happy. Happiness is good-night kisses and long walks home 8Challenges I am happy because my life is filled with challenges, therefore I can never be bored. 9Knowledge Happiness is the knowledge that I can not change everything, but that those things that I can change for the better, I will. Knowing we made the right decision is the greatest cause for happiness for most of us. 10Simplicity What is my secret of happiness? I live simply as I can. If my heart can become pure and simple like that of a child, I think there probably be no greater happiness than this. 11Full, active life Happiness is living for each and every moment. 1.4. «Enjoying the Good Times» №Іспользуемий образПрімер1Laziness, doing nothing Lazy days and swimming pool are a happy combination. If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live. Happiness is a lazy day with no have-dos or must-dos. 2Doing sports, sport events A championship tournament of tiddlywinks can raise anyone s spirit, anytime, anywhere. Going to plays, whether they are good or bad, is an experience that refuels one s faith in human nature. 3Sleeping Happiness is that moment between closing my book at night, switching out the light, and turning my face to the pillow. The nights when sleep just happens and one wakes up refreshed: these are to be selebrated. 4Listening to music, singing I am happy to sing out the praises of my favorite musicians. A good CD player at the right volume at the right time is the perfect medicine for unhappiness. 5Reading books Books are like holidays; between their covers lie entire worlds. Whoever thinks that time travel is impossible has never immersed themselves in a good book. Happiness is reading a book without interruption. 6Friends A long chat with an old friend makes both of you happy. Reminiscing in the company of my oldest friends makes for happy hours spent together. 7Dancing Dancing makes me happy - the extraordinary and compelling life force that leads everyone to feel free enough to shake their entire being in the presence of complete strangers. 8Remembering one s childhood Revisiting the ponds where we swam as children evokes happy memories. Happiness is a childlike excitement of sleeping rough on someone s sofa or floor, after a party or being snowed in. 9A holiday atmosphere Happiness is the flurry preparations before a holiday. Happiness is the anticipation of Christmas. 10New or fresh clothes, boots, etc. The unmistakable smell of brand-new shoes while standing in an elevator suggests that someone among you is happy with his purchase. After a day in a suit, uniform, or costume, happiness is a clean pair of jeans and a loose pair of slippers. 1.5. «Travel and the Wider world» №Іспользуем...

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