ий образПрімер1Relationships with strangers It makes me happy that one can spend an entire day collecting smiles from strangers - twice as many when one smiles first. A happy smile is always welcome, and the nicest, it seems, is the smile of a stranger. 2Watching art A trip to an art gallery is like receiving a transfusion of optimism. 3Being on time The thing that s better than getting there is the discovery that you will be arriving on time. Happiness is a train when it runs on time. 4Visiting interesting places Entering castles is like entering a dream. If you re happy to use a little imagination they can soon become populated as they may once have been. 5Long walks What better reason to be happy than long walks on sandy beaches on misty mornings, hunting for shells and buried treasure? 6Discoveries One should always be happy to discover that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train coming at you from the other direction. Discovering great places is also about discovering what makes you happy. 7Memories of a journey The memories of a journey brings us happiness for years to come. The sound of an old Spitfire looping the loop somewhere nearby stirs happy memories and mixed emotions. 8The way Happiness is driving with a clear road ahead. 9Getting mail Happy postcards are like little vacations received. 10Coming back A welcoming light in the window at home is a happy beacon to a weary traveler. A return of a loved one after a long absence is cause for happy celebration. 1.6. «Family and Friends» №Іспользуемий образПрімер1Having a family, a good friend No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy. A good reason for being happy would be having my family near. 2Health of relatives and friends Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the beat relationship. Buddha. 3Love There is love and there is unconditional love, and I love them both unconditionally. Writing poems makes you feel good, but having a poem written for you is the happiest therapy imaginable. When two lives connect, happiness illuminates both. 4Hugs, kisses One can never receive too many hugs. Now I am happy, having planted a kiss on your forehead. I am happy that I have come to know the life-saving quality of hugs. 5Spending time with close people Playing a board game with those closest to you brings happiness all around. Just simply living life in the company of friends and family is cause enough for happiness. 6Sharing Happiness comes through sharing your feelings with others, allowing the genie out of the bottle from time to time. By allowing happiness to take a central place in our life we ??develop the capacity to share happiness with others. 7Relationships with others The feeling of happiness I enjoy the most is the one I get when I make people around me happy. Happiness is good-night kisses and long walks home 8Help Being able to help lighten the burden in another person s life - that makes you happy. Good deeds that remain anonymous bring greater happiness. 9Children Happiness is raising a child to be herself. Happiness is watching my daughter play hide-and-seek with her cat. 10Recollections I remember the happiest of hours spent playing with childhood friends in the old-fashioned playgrounds we used to have. I simly close my eyes and we re there again. 1.7. «Happiness Among Others» №Іспользуемий образПрімер1Hope Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change. 2Belief, trust Belief in true happiness conquers fear. Nothing makes me happier than being able to trust someone. Ask yourself this: «Do you believe in true happiness?» If you do, then why not grab it with both hands. 3Simplicity Happiness results from simplicity, and happiness results in simplicity. Happy people s lives are measured not in dollars or pounds but in their simple pleasures. 4Freedom I am happy that I am free to follow my own instincts. Happiness is to speak with freedom and free from fear. 5Happiness because of happiness Why is happy? Because there is no better way to live. For some people there is no particular purpose, cause, or reason for being happy apart from the fact that they just are. That seems a good reason to me. 6Fortune Happiness is theirs who have good fortune and goon sense. Happiness is composed of misfortune avoided. 7Inspiration The inspiration that comes from people who have survived difficult times makes one feel glad to be alive. 8Changes Change in yourself changes everything in your life. If you want happiness, change. 9Forgiveness Happiness is about discovering the forgiveness of others towards us. Happiness is about finding forgiveness within yourself. 1.8. «The Joy of Nature» №Іспользуемий образПрімер1Sunshine Happiness is the knowledge that after the rainstorm sunshine will follow. Sunny days in the middle of cold winters are enough to lift our sp...