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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Форми і функції повторів у діалогічному дискурсі

Реферат Форми і функції повторів у діалогічному дискурсі

!- She cried.

- Don t tell me! I don t want to hear; I don t want to hear what you ve come for. I do not want to hear.

(J. Galsworthy, Stop and speak to me).

. Professor Flitwick was walking past a boy with untidy black hair ... very untidy black hair ... [Priestley JB Angel Pavement]

. I can introduce you into that golden circle. And I do mean golden, Tracy.... [Priestley J. B. Angel Pavement].

. I think you'll also find, said Umbridge, her voice very cold now, that the Ministry looks into the records of those applying to be Aurors. Their criminal records [Priestley JB Angel Pavement].

.- Which junction did you come off at?.

Junction nineteen, but there was a diversion.

Junction nineteen! Una, she came off at Junction nineteen! Youve added an hour to your journey before you even started [Priestley JB Angel Pavement].

. Freedom meant breathing fresh air, privacy, not standing in lines for meals, not listening for bells. It meant hot baths and good-smelling soaps, soft lingerie, pretty dresses, and highheeled shoes. It meant having a name instead of a number. Freedom meant escape from Big Bertha and fear of gang rapes and the deadly monotony of prison routine [Priestley JB Angel Pavement].

. This is when Id cry because right now, your life comes down to nothing, and not even nothing, oblivion [Priestley JB Angel Pavement].

. Miss Witherfild retired, deeply impressed with the magistrate's learning and research; Mr. Nupkins retired to lunch, Mr. Jinks retired within himself - that being the only retirement he had... , And Mr. Grumner retired to wipe out... the insult which had been fastened upon himself. (Ch. Dickens)

. It s Konrad, he said. Someone was passed along the road, too near the gate to suit his taste. He sa faithful brute, is Konrad. Raquo; (MG Eberhart. While the Patient Slept.)

. Were you, damme? Well, and what of it? He's a stout fellow, is George Godolphin, one of my oldest friends. Raquo; (Daphnede Maurier.)

. Why, Jon, why? his mother asked. Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Why can t you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross? Why don t you eat? Son, you're bone and feathers! Raquo;.

. But Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve - slowing, slowing, and stalling once more - was no ordinary bird [Bach, R. Jonathan Livingston Seagull/R. Bach].

. But no, he thought. I am done with the way I was, I am done with everything I learned. I am a seagull like every other seagull, and I will fly like one.

. Will you, wont you, will you, wont you, will you join the dance? You, wont you, will you, wont you, wont you join the dance?.

. " You an old, Father William, the young man said,

And your hair has become very white: yet you incessantly stand on your head ... [Carroll, L. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - glass and What Alice Found There].

. Ive tried the roots of trees, and Ive tried banks, and Ive tried hedges, the Pigeon went on without attending to her; but these serpents! There is no pleasing them!" [Carroll, L. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - glass and What Alice Found There].

. The reason is said the Gryphon, that they would go with the lobsters to the dance. So they got thrown out to sea. So they had to fall a long way. So they got their tails fast in their mouths. So they couldnt got them out again" [Carroll, L. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - glass and What Alice Found There].

. Short wings. A falcon is short wings! That s the answer! What a fool I ve been! All need is a tiny little wing, all I need is to fold most of my wings and fly on just the tips alone! Short wings! [Bach, R. Jonathan Livingston Seagull/R. Bach].

. " Curiouser and curiouser! - Cried Alice [Carroll, L. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - glass and What Alice Found There].

. " The Duchess! The Duchess! Oh my dear paws! My fur and whiskers! [Carroll, L. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - glass and What Alice Found There].

. Sure, its an arm, yer honour! arm, you goose!

. He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed he'd be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull. But the speed was power, and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty [Bach, R. Jonathan Livingston Seagull/R. Bach].

. It felt like being hit with a board. His knees went weak, his feathers sagged, there was roaring in his ears. Centered for shame? Impossible! The Breakthrough! They can t understand! They re wrong, they're wrong! [Bach, R. Jonathan Livingston Seagull/R. B...

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