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Реферат Corporate Social Responsibility: Milton Friedman vs. Archie Carroll

Universit? t Siegenzum Thema

" Corporate Social Responsibility: Milton Friedman vs. Archie Carroll

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Telefonnummer: Mail: ************@student.uni-siegen.de, Datum: Siegen, **. **. +2014: Dr.



2.The main idea of ??CSR

2.1History of CSR

2.2Types of CSR

3.Profitability of CSR

3.1Friedmans Approach

3.2Carrolls Approach to CSR

3.3Measuring of CRS

3.4Determining factors for CSR






1. Introduction

Relevance of this subject is that modern life constantly dictates new rules of the game. Today the future of the companies in many respects if not generally is defined by quality of corporate governance which is considered as one of effective ways of increase of investment appeal of the companies and, as a result, improvement of investment climate in the country.it is necessary to understand as corporate governance? Whether means it system of the obligatory rules governing the relations in sphere of action of the companies, or corporate governance implies imperious and administrative activity of individuals, including representatives of top management and shareholders? And whether the concepts corporate governance and management of corporation are equivalent? the one hand, corporate governance includes procedures of realization of the rights of shareholders, obligations of board of directors and responsibility of his members for made decisions, level of remuneration of top management of the company, an order of disclosure of information and system of financial control, on the other hand - it means activity of the state regulators and other authorized bodies and the organizations, directed on a regulation of the specified sphere of the relations, with the third is an activity of rating agencies which, appropriating certain estimates, form idea of ??the investor of investment appeal of the company.in essence corporate governance is a process of search of balance between interests of shareholders and management in particular and interests of separate groups of persons and the companies as a whole by realization by participants of the market of a certain system of ethical and procedural standards of the behavior accepted in business community.of uniform approach to understanding of corporate governance in many respects is explained by dynamism of the specified sphere. Still corporate governance in many respects coordinated with voluntary observance by the companies issuers of ethical standards and customs of a business conduct, however, gradually there is a transition from a voluntary order to compulsory, the state role in a regulation of separate aspects of corporate life amplifies and extends. Thus there is a need in Corporate Social Responsibility.the last some years among politicians and in a business environment the concept corporate social responsibility (is actively used further - CSR), develops business community of CSR strategy, creates departments of realization of the last, in the countries of Europe open the whole scientific research institutes on studying of this phenomenon. But, despite it, in the academic environment still there is no uniform understanding that there is a corporate social responsibility, what its sources as well as who governs the relations arising in connection with the new sphere of the human relations. And what CSR is?


2. The main idea of ??CSR

in details considering CSR, in the beginning we will define what does it means. Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate responsibility, responsible business and corporate social opportunities) - is the concept according to which the organizations consider interests of society, conferring on itself responsibility for influence of their activity on customers, suppliers, workers, shareholders, local communities and other interested parties of the public sphere. This obligation is beyond the obligation established by the law to observe the legislation and assumes that the organizations voluntary take additional measures for improvement of quality of life of workers and their families, and also local community and society as a whole.of CSR is a subject of numerous disputes and criticism. Defenders claim that there is a strong economic justification of CSR, and corporations get numerous advantages of that work for wider and long prospect, than own momentary ...

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