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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Analysis of the Department of development of oil industry

Реферат Analysis of the Department of development of oil industry

0 villages. This will improve the quality of life of the rural population, will give impetus to the development of new and modernization of existing industrial and agricultural development of small and medium business, and as a result, the creation of new jobs., The project will improve the socio-economic situation of the regions of Kazakhstan along the pipeline route.on the principles of multi-vector hydrocarbon supplies to domestic and foreign markets, Kazakhstan seeks to develop all cost-effective routes for transit and export of natural gas. Project to build a gas pipeline Kazakhstan - China and the Caspian gas pipeline will improve transit and export potential of the country and, therefore, will contribute to the economic development of Kazakhstan.of gas pipeline Kazakhstan-China18, 2007 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the People's Republic on cooperation in construction and operation of the gas pipeline Kazakhstan-China. Pipeline is designed to transport gas from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan origin.late 2009, commissioned 1st thread, in October 2010, the 2nd string of the first section of the Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline.the power of the 1st section of the Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline to 30 billion cubic meters per year is planned by the end of 2012, with further expansion to 40 billion cubic meters a year.gas pipeline project20, 2007 in Moscow, an agreement was signed between the Governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan on cooperation in the construction of the Caspian pipeline, which was ratified by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 14, 2009.is designed to transport gas to foreign markets of up to 20 billion cubic meters per year, including up to 10 billion cubic meters of Kazakh and up to 10 billion cubic meters of Turkmen gas.project of building the Caspian pipeline was postponed indefinitely due to the fact that its further development depends on the coordinated actions of the Russian and Turkmen parties.third Zhanazhol gas plant (hereinafter - ZHGPZ-3) designed Sichuan design and survey institute of China (PRC). According to the project in the third plant will employ 300 people.the project "Construction of the second stage ZHGPZ-3" is working on the analysis of the market in gas and the cost of the product and adjust the initial project. Until the end of 2012 it is planned to complete the work on updating. Commissioning of the second stage ZHGPZ planned for 2013 - 2014.internal risks - emergency situation at the sites of processing and transportation.consequences of failing to take appropriate risk management - suspension of gas supplies to the population, businesses, and FEC.management activities - planned preventative maintenance on objects processing, transport and distribution of gas.external risks - reducing the supply of natural gas from Uzbekistan and Russia.consequences of failing to take appropriate risk management - a shortage of gas will cause reduction of gas supplies, fuel and energy enterprises, resulting in reduced production and supply of electric power and heat to the population, household and industry. - contracts for the supply of gas to the Agreement on counter delivery of gas between JSC "NC" KazMunaiGas "," Uzbekneftegaz " ; and OJSC "Gazprom" on December 27, 2006, the continuation of the project to build MG "Beineu - Shymkent". Direction 3. Support for production of petrochemical productsparameters of the regulated industry or occupation.the large amounts of hydrocarbon production, currently in Kazakhstan is not a full technological cycle of deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials to produce products with high added value.Processing is limited to separation of oil and gas. There are 3 oil and 3 gas processing plant, built in the Soviet era and do not meet modern standards.and launched investment projects to create a world-class petrochemical plants, which will provide a flexible, integrated and complete flowsheet processing of hydrocarbons (oil /gas), which meets the international level, and will simultaneously solve several important problems: production volume and higher quality oil products; basic petrochemical products, which are already products with high added value and demand in the international market; petrochemical feedstock for subsequent conversion and production of extended-spectrum petrochemical products with high added value (construction, lining and packing materials, manufactured goods and household goods, etc.); comprehensive processing of hydrocarbons; the negative impact on the environment; conditions for development of small and medium- sized businesses for the production of petrochemical feedstock specific consumer products.projects to create petrochemical plants and the modernization and technological upgrading refineries are included in the state program on forced industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan f...

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