tnut steed, in complete armour, his lance in the rest, his face entirely concealed by his vizor, which was surmounted by a large plume of scarlet and black feathers. В»p align="justify"> Художні засоби створення образів у романі, завдяки яким Горацій Уолпол підтримував загальну атмосферу страху і таємничості, наступні: описи часу доби, місця дії, пейзажу, присутності надприродних сил.
Так одним із прикладів взаємодії героїв з потойбічними силами в картині є сцена з ожилим портретом діда Манфреда, який повів його за собою: В«At that instant the portrait of his grandfather, which hung over the bench where they had been sitting, uttered a deep sigh, and heaved its breast. Isabella, whose back was turned to the picture, saw not the motion, nor knew whence the sound came, but started, and said - "Hark, my Lord! What sound was that? "And at the same time made towards the door. Manfred, distracted between the flight of Isabella, who had now reached the stairs, and yet unable to keep his eyes from the picture, which began to move, had, however, advanced some steps after her, still looking backwards on the portrait, when he saw it quit its panel, and descend on the floor with a grave and melancholy air. В»
Для готичного жанру характерний час доби - ніч або сутінки; дія відбувається під покровом темряви, часто герої чують гуркіт грому, бачать вогненну блискавку, бурю або шторм: В«The generous gallantry of his nature prompted him to wish to assist her; but the Monks could lend him no lights to guess at the route she had taken. He was not tempted to wander far in search of her, for the idea of ​​Matilda had imprinted itself so strongly on his heart, that he could not bear to absent himself at much distance from her abode. The tenderness Jerome had expressed for him concurred to confirm this reluctance; and he even persuaded himself that filial affection was the chief cause of his hovering between the castle and monastery. В»p align="justify"> Місце дії завжди підтримувало загальну картину таємничості й страху. В основному це кладовище, церква, лісові хащі, монастирі, потаємні кімнати і ходи, печери, а почуття ще більшої схвильованості і паніки у читача викликається завиванням вітру, зникаючим блиском місяця, криком птахів або виттям тварин. p align="justify"> Прикладом лякаючою атмосфери можна взяти сцену вбивства дочки Манфреда: В«Manfred, whose spirits were inflamed, and whom Isabella had driven from her on his urging his passion with too little reserve, did not doubt but the inquietude she had expressed had been occasioned by her impatience to meet Theodore. Provoked by this conjecture, and enraged at her father, he hastened secretly to the great church. Gliding softly between the aisles, and guided by an imperfect gleam of moonshine that shone faintly through the illuminated windows, he stole towards the tomb of Alfonso, to which he was directed by indistinct whispers of the persons he soug...