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Реферат Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

n of prejudice further elaborates the damaging effect of prejudice as "persons within th e group are not viewed in terms of their individual merit but according to the superficial characteristics that make them part of the group ". knows that for a long time in the USA there were prejudices against black people. We can see such examples in the mass media and literature of that time: "To kill a mocking bird" by N. H. Lee, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by H. Beecher-Stowe (Afro-Americans do not like the main character in this book). As following the struggle of Afro-Americans for their rights consisted in the overcoming stereotypes. We know that M. L. King clamoured against prejudices to his race.2002 the Columbia University published results of their research devoted to world s serving on the death penalty. The rates revealed that judges are biased to definite groups of people. For example, death penalty sentence is served much more frequently in areas where a lot of black people live. A black man is likely to be judged for capital punishment than a white one being accused of the same crime. In the ground of such decisions lie racial prejudices.hold some prejudices because they help reinforce certain beliefs or values-the value-expressive function. For example, part of belonging to some religious groups might require holding certain prejudices against other religious groups. Let us try to imagine the following situation: a student s family belonges to an evangelical Protestant church. When he is growing up, his parents make disparaging remarks about the Catholic religion. In his family, part of being a good church member meant being prejudiced against Catholics.between Japan and Korea depict deep-seated and long-standing prejudice. Historically, Korea had closer ties to China than Japan, and both Korea and China tended to view Japan as a "troublemaking" state. This view was reinforced time and again by Japanese incursions into Korean territory and 35 years of Japan s colonial rule. In an act of historic symbolism South Korea and Japan co-hosted the 2002World Cup soccer games. Despite economic ties, there remains a sense of bau, or bitter resentment, that many Koreans feel toward the Japanese.may also arise from a personal need to feel positive about one s own group and negative about others, or from perceived or real threats. For example, one student from a multicultural family tells about the prejudice that his mother experienced. His mother is a middle-aged White woman and his father is Latino. When his mom was running for superior court judge in a predominantly Hispanic county, she encountered much prejudice because the Latino population generally thinks that White officials are not sensitive to the needs of minority populations. They didn t want to vote for a White woman ...

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