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Реферат Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

Germans as cold and reserved.can be both useful and harmful for interpersonal communication. We can talk about the usage of a stereotype in the following situations:

If a person keeps to a stereotype consciously. An individual should realize that a stereotype reflects norms, values ​​and features of the whole group but not of an individual. p align="justify"> If a stereotype bears a descriptive sense but not an evaluative one. That is stereotypes reflect only general features, but do not show them as the bad or the good. p align="justify"> If a stereotype is accurate - it precisely depicts traits of a group

If a stereotype is only a guess about a group but not the exact information, it is not the reliable information

If a stereotype is modified, that is based on prolonged surveillance and experience.become ineffective and make communication difficult if we by a mistake refer people to other groups, accept norms incorrectly, mix stereotypes with description of an individual.are some reasons which hamper the intercultural communication:

One cannot separate individual peculiarities of people from stereotypes. Stereotype preserves on a person and the whole group, it changes only in the process of communication. p align="justify"> Stereotypes repeat and reinforce some wrong beliefs until people take them as truth.

Stereotypes are based on distortions and incomplete information. Preserving real characteristics of a group they give inaccurate images about people. br/>

. Prejudice in the intercultural communication

, like stereotypes, can be either positive or negative although it is generally referred to as "the unfair, biased, or intolerant attitudes or opinions towards another person or group simply because they belong to a specific religion , race, nationality, or another group "(Samovar and Porter, 1991: 281). A person who thinks, "I don t want (name of group) living in my neighborhood," for example, is expressing a prejudice.subtle prejudiced communication can occur in various levels: interpersonal, institutional and mass.

An example of prejudice in interpersonal communication situations is a family member who models prejudice against an out-group.

The level of institutional/organizational communication becomes prejudices in situations such as with the requirement to use the language of the in-group.

As the mass communication level, prejudice may be exhibited in the use of ethnic, racial or religious stereotypes in books and movies. People sometimes blame their prejudices on the media.like stereotypes, prejudice involves the preconceptions of individuals or groups based on unfounded opinions, attitudes, or beliefs. Jandt s definitio...

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