d (Kotler & Pfoertsch). When considered holistically, the B2B service brand identity network integrates internal (employees, managers) and external (clients, upstream members of supply chain) perspectives. This tells us to reflect internal and external orientations as opposed to focusing on the former.managers can build B2B service brand identity they need to understand what dimensions make the construct manifest. This research provides clear guidance on what constitutes B2B service brand identity (dimensions) and what activities (items) comprise those dimensions. The framework «s dimensionality provides managers with the conceptual apparatus to delineate B2B service brand identity whilst the underlying scale items provide managers with specific activities to structure and mobilize their early thoughts around each dimension.managers embark on a B2B service brand identity building programme they need to consider an eclectic range of activities. Regarding B2B service brand identity as being synonymous with visual identity ignores the multidimensional nature of the construct. When conceiving and building B2B service brand identity managers need to find answers to questions such as »Are we focusing adequately on our employees« and clients » needs? What type of brand personality do we wish to develop? How consistent is our marketing communications? How can we use the font, logo and other visual identity aids as part of our overall service brand identity? What human resource initiatives do we have in place to support our desired service brand identity? Only when such questions are addressed will managers be considering the breadth of issues that span the domain of B2B service brand identity.applying this B2B service brand identity scale managers now have a tool for auditing and tracking their service brand identity. If used over a period of time the results from such measurement enable man-agers to assess the effectiveness of the service brand identity management and so take corrective action where necessary. The parsimony of the scale is intended to facilitate such practical applications.integrated nature of B2B service brand identity implies man-agers should carefully orchestrate all dimensions of B2B service brand identity to capitalize on the construct «s symbiotic characteristics. Only when managers approach B2B service brand identity development holistically will they realize the construct »s full benefits. Whilst positive correlations highlight how dimensions synergistically «feed» off one other, it is important managers consider the adverse effect of positively correlated dimensions. A neglected B2B service brand identity dimension could act as a millstone and burden other dimensions.planning and building B2B service brand identity it is crucial those responsible for brand take the initiative to build strong cross functional relationships with their human resource counterparts. Brand marketers « need to encourage those responsible for human resources to recruit, induct, train and reward individuals who will help propagate the desired B2B service brand identity via their behavior. This point is consistent with the view that for service brands, functional alignment between marketing and human resources is particularly important and takes on increased importance, given that human resource managers tend to be comparatively unaware of strategic marketing activities. Encouraging greater functional alignment betwe...