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Реферат Corporate identity

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationRussian University of Economicsof Foreign Languages ??№1


Corporate identity

Performed byAnnaFaculty1408byDina




. History of corporate identity

.1 Past of corporate identity

.2 Corporate identity today and in the future

. What is corporate identity?

.1 The elements of corporate identity

.2 The examples of a strong corporate identity and new trends


identity is one of those vaguely defined, hodge-podge ideas that grows in scope as more consultants from different disciplines try to mark out their own piece of the market.a designer s viewpoint, identity raquo ; is all the ways people identify the company visually: how it looks to the world. A common misconception, particularly among owners of small businesses, is that it s just the logo, but of course it sa lot more.can develop an identity program for an entire company, a particular product line, or even a single advertising campaign. All of these are corporate identity. Raquo; simplest sort of identity program would be a logo (if they don t have one already), signage and stationery designs. At a minimum this includes an exact color palette, typefaces for correspondence and advertising, paper type and color.on the size of the company and the budget, a basic identity program should include a style guide that lays out exact uses for the logo (absolutely essential if it's a trademark), what variations, if any, are allowed or required (there may be one version for small sizes, one for larger, for example), and examples of prohibited uses. It must say exactly how the logo will be reproduced in print, on the web and in video, how big it must be in relation to context, required white space around it and very exactly defined colors.the company has a slogan or tag line that appears in conjunction with the logo, the style guide must specify its position and size in relation to the logo itself and a clear statement of when it should and should not be used. This would be the minimum, and is for use not only in-house but for media people who may want to show the logo in connection with an article. It should have specifications for corporate communications - letters, invoices, etc.- That specifies margins, line spacing, typeface, address placement, greeting line, etc.collateral is defined in the style guide as part of any identity program. The style and quality of photography, overall style, use and style of line art or illustration, typefaces, color palette, paper stock for print and so on are part of corporate identity (especially in connection with a single ad campaign). These specs would include the web, interactive and mobile presentation, TV and video where applicable.you work with a client that already has an identity program, be sure to get a copy and study it. Stay within the guidelines if you want to turn them into a steady client and avoid expensive problems.the 21st century, if the vision for a brand is not centered in a rich emotional connection with customers, and the corporate identity not well-defined, then the brand may be visible, but it will lack personality. And a brand without personality is a brand without a soul. And although a corporate identity is a small component of the overall brand expression, it remains the first connection made with the consumer s mind.

1. History of corporate identity

. 1 Past of corporate identity

corporate identity logo trend

The origin of logos and corporate identity could be traced to early examples of pictograms. According to WIkipedia pictogram or pictograph is a symbol representing a concept, object, activity, place or event by illustration. Raquo; historians believe that the use of pictograms originated in Mesopotamia around +9000 BC. Simple pictures were used for labeling farm produce and eventually the use has spread to labeling manufacturing goods.is believed that the Roman alphabet has its origins in pictograms, for example the letter A represented the head of an ox, and if it is turned upside down, a bovine head with horns can be seen. WIkipediaword logogram or logo originated in the early 19th century. In Greek language logo means word (Oxford Dictionary) The early example of logos consisted of a single letters and later 2 letters interweaving together, as seen on old Greek and Roman coins for example a sacred monogram formed by letters XRSTOS which means...

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